😶Uninvited guests😶

Start from the beginning

"Yhh but not every girl are hot enough to be his, you know..I mean he's umm...the king of hotness. And Me? A nerd? Oh we just don't go that well togeather and also he is my brother's bestfreind, Sia. I mean Zac is gonna beat him off if he ever found out that I love that player. I'm not trendy enough to be his girlfriend for God's sake. So just cut this shit and FYI he didn't even proposed or anything. That date...I'm sure it meant nothing more than just a 'hang out with a classmate' to him".

I uttered non-stop. All my words implying one thing. I can't be his girlfriend.

"But Lily you don't have to be who you're not. Can't you just be yourself for once and go for it! I know you like him even if you won't admit to it". She looked at me hopefully. I closed mine shut as I defended myself.

"I love you Sia and all. But I can't!" I shook my head." Sierra just looked at me and her gaze so deep that for the first time I couldn't read 'em.

"Your phone's ringing you know?.." She murmured, pointing at my phone which was right beside me yet I haven't noticed ringing. My eyes got curious at the unknown number as I picked. "Hellow?"

"Hey Lily wassup?" A fimilier husky voice said.
"Are yah there? It's Archer if you don't know already hehehe." He said after a while of no reply. I smiled to myself, winking at Sierra."Oh! Heyaa ..." I heared a low chuckle.
"Lily, just wondering Ok? Are you at home? And is Zac home?"
"Yhh and No. Zac just left. why?"

"Nah! Just thought..never mind! Bye"

"Kay b-" my sentence was interrupted by the front door bell."byee!" I hung up as I opened the door, to see a grinning Liam. Woah I didn't remember inviting him.

Oh well let's not kid yourself, he never needs an invitation to come here

"here!" He handed me his jacket and boots as I scoffed. "Seriously?" I gave him the stink eye and he stucked out his tongue in response.

"Whaaat!" He pouted as he crawled into the couch, making himself at home.

"Heya!" Liam's eyes widen at Sierra.

Oh shit! I forgot to tell him she came.

"Omg! Heyy...when did you came?" Next second, his shocked face was replaced by a warm welcoming smile. "Well, yesterday? Oh Liam I missed you so much dude. I heared about your momma and sorry." She said with a comforting smile and hugged him.

"Ahem!" I smirked when I caught up with 'em and joined the hug. It felt so great! Well, they are the guys who made my life as great as it's now. So it have to be anyways. *wink*

Our little dramatic hug was interrupted by a cough. I hastily pulled away as my gaze turned to ... ARCHER? WTF!...uh oh ARCHER? What's he doing here right now.

"Oh! Archer? What's up!" I asked confuzzled and happy at the same time. I didn't invite him either. Seriously so many uninvited guests surprisingly making me happy :)

"And how did you get in?" I tilted my head.

And the stupidest questioner award goes to, Emylia Jones.

Hey! Its not stupid.

"Well, you forgot to lock your door. Seriously, you gotta watch out for theives" he chuckled lightly, pointing at the door.

"And I just came...mm..nothing, feeling bored I guess?" He said again, frowning at Liam, like who's this pretty boy here. "Hm.. guys this is Archer, and Archer, this is Liam and Sierra, my 2 besties. I said politely, introducing each with a sweet smile.
"Yh I see!" He said with a nodd. Omg he didn't even bothered saying hi. The looked on his so perfect face was like he wanted to say something. Maybe he's hesitated to say that infront of my freinds.

"Uh..Archer? Do you wanna say something or not?" I asked him sarcastically, urging him to continue.

"Mm, maybe later your-" I cut him off, holding his arms. "No you can tell meh." I pleaded. "Ok if you wish princessa actually.."-"Lily will you co ..ooh so sorry was I interrupting something or..." Sierra shouted precisely turning around to go but "Noo Sia, C'mon what is it?" Jeez, what a coincidence! Archer chuckled meanwhile I shot him a naughty glare. "Kay, then I was guessing all four of us can watch Netflix, cause Liam bought pizza for Extra and plus Archer was feeling bored so... the more the merrier!!" She said sweetly before turning to me and winked. Yh yh very funny! I turned to Archer, raising an eyebrow. "

Sounds good!"

Err.. guys? Your not angry with me right? Lol plxxx don't. I know I haven't been updating for ages and deades. But plxx understand lately I've soo much going on my life and am so busy with lots of inter school competitions. Also sorry if this chapter is not that nice too... because a few of my brain cells already died just by thinking how to! Plus vote and comment. Don't hesitate to find mistakes and tell me. Id be glad. Plxx vote vote vote..

With lots of love
=Shy-soul =

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