"OOops!" :(

"She's the worst bitch!" I whined like a kid, pouting my lips."yeah! totally!" Liam nodded."what's he-" "oh and lily? Stop complaining about Mrs.Maxwell 'cause who needs her when we've got food!" He grabbed my shoulders and lead me to the cafeteria.

He grabbed a tray, picking 2 chicken toasts, 2 large burgers, 4 slice of beaf pizzas, 3 oreo biscuits plus  a coke.

It was nice that he was actually buying food for both of us.

At least thats what I thought. Until he turned to me and "Lily, aren't you gonna order?" My eyes widen at his words. "You mean this whole gigantic food mountain is all for you?" I said sarcastically, still thinking he might be joking, by his last sentence. How can some one eat all those!

Then again, boys will be boys.

"Then, you think its for you? Duh its for me, honey. When are you gonna order?"  He shook his head.

"I hate you Liam!"

"Love you too Lily"

I rolled my eyes playfully as I picked 2 oreo biscuits and a salad for me. We went our ways to a table across the window.


"Hmm?" He said already pigging out his food.

"I asked my dad to transfer the money to your account. Is that ok?"

"Yuh uh- thanks, and sorry again. I'll pay you back" a hint of sadness washed over his face.

"I'm ok with the first part of your sentence."

"Guyys!" We looked up to hear a familiar voice.

"Hey Hennah! heard you were out with flu. You alright now?" I asked, giving her a hug. "Just fine."she winked. Hennah is a new student who joined this year. She mostly hangs around with us.

That's when I noticed Archer, staring at me from a table at the corner. Then all of the sudden, he smiled and gestured me to come. My eyes went widen as I tried to ignore him.
Thinking maybe it was an imagination.

"Why is Mr.bad boy asking you to go there?" I almost jumped when Liam spoke. "Uh.. maybe he needs some help with homeworks." I muttured but I knew neither Liam, nor Hennah belived a single word I said. "Since when does he do home works?" Hennah gave me a questioned look. I just shrugged.

Can't you make it more obvious?

Shut up!

"umm...guys?I'll just be back." I stood up, without waiting for an answer. "Hey!" I already hating myself for going there.

What if Zac come?

What you mean? Zac dosn't know you have this huge crush on his bestfreind?

C'mon, I don't have a crush on him.

I reassured myself. 

Archer  smirked. "hellow love" he patted on the seat next to him. "No thanks, I'll just sit here." I sat at the seat infront of him. I earned dirty looks from girls.

Jelouse much?

"Thanks to you, I think I'm gonna have to hide from those girls, for the rest of my life. Just look at their eyes. Its enough to kill a person." I faked to be scared. "Oh I'm so scared! Just ignore them" he said in between laughs.

"Your boyfriend seems to be angry with me for stealing you?"

He looked over my shoulders, at Liam, grinning evil-like.

"Him? He's not my boyfreind. We've just been bestfreind's ever since I remember."

"Oooh!..you wanna grab a bite? My treat!"

"I've finished my lunch." I tried to hide the dullness in my voice. "No love, I meant somewhere quite and without the whole cafeteria eyeing us." He chuckled.

Say No

Say Yes




Inner voice?


Shut up!

Say No

"Yes!" I half-shouted and it was too late. The words came in a rush. Everyone in the cafeteria gasped. Including me.

I hid my tomato-red face in my hand. Talk about humiliation.

Kikiki 😂 you just humiliated yourself infront of the whole shcool.  

No. I just humiliated myself infront of my crush!!

Not crush

Not crush

"Does that mean you'll go eat with me?" I flinched at Archer's voice. I looked up to him, embrassed.

"Whats wrong babe?" His smirk changed to confusion. "Nothi-"
"Just let them talk. And thanks. For the Yes." He smiled sweetly, making all my worries go away. "Actually I  didn't mean to-"

"I'll come pick you tommorw, how about it?"

Zac's gonna kill him

And me

So say No



Aww they're going on a date? What do you think will happen? ooo can't wait ! Plxx feel free to comment your ideas... and consider my favour and vote vote and vote! Hope y'all having a great day ; ) keep smiling :)
With lots of love
=Shy-soul =

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