Pitiful right? I needed to talk to someone.... Someone I could trust and knew well.... Of course the first few people that came to mind was Thalia, Piper (who I had grown close to), Chiron and really only a handful of others.. Thalia was probably busy with the hunters, so I decided to cross her off the list....

Piper was my next option. I stood up and rushed to the nearest bathroom, earning a few strange looks from some of the Avenger. I turned on the water to as hot as possible and waited until I got a good mist going. I dug into my pocket and pulled out a Drachma, and tossed it into the mist.

"Oh Iris, goddess of rainbows, show me Piper McLean in Camp Half-Blood. " I said.

The next thing I saw I would never forget. I saw Piper being comforted by one of her siblings while a shroud was burning. I took a closer look at the shroud and saw it was a purple/yellow lightning shroud, woven beautifully with what looked to be silk.

There was only one person the shroud could belong to. Jason. I gasped. How had Jason died? A natural death perhaps? It would take a immensely strong monster to kill him so that was out of the picture.... Jason was in perfect health last I saw him roughly a week-ish ago....

I swiped through the Iris Message. This couldn't be. I kept the hot water going and dug for one last Drachma. There was one call I needed to make for answers.

"Oh Iris goddess of rainbows, show me Chiron, Camp Half-Blood. " I said, the mist then shimmered and I saw Chiron with silent tears flowing down his face.

"Chiron. " I called as loud as I dared. His attention whipped to me and a small smile Graced his lips.

"Annabeth, where have you been?" he asked me.

"It's a long story Chiron... But... I just Iris Messaged Piper... H-How did Jason die?" sure I was being abrupt and a bit rude, but I needed answers. A.S.A.P. Chiron got a sad look on his face again.

"It was Percy," He said sadly. "He came into camp and Jason and he fought, he won... Then he left..."

I gasped. This couldn't be true. Percy would never do such a think. My left arm involuntarily moved to the stub of an arm I had.... But he could do such a thing..... I just couldn't believe it. Chiron was just opening his mouth to say something when I swiped through the Iris Message and opened the bathroom door and ran out, tears streaming down my face.

I ran to Percy's door, praying to the gods every step that the news I just heard was wrong. I stopped at his door and banged loudly on it.

"Please tell me you didn't do it!" I said my voice cracking and hoarse. "Tell me you didn't kill Jason!!!"

I was answered with silence. I couldn't stand it any more. It was driving me over the edge, it was driving me insane.

"JUST ANSWER ME!!" I shouted, tears flowing down my face.

"I DID!! OK? I DID KILL HIM... I'm a monster..." I heard him yell back, his own voice just as tearfilled and hoarse as my own. At the end he grew quieter and trailed off a bit.

It broke my heart to hear this. But I tried to remember it was Loki who I should be mad at, not Percy. I was not going to let Loki tear us apart. No matter what.

"Percy, " I said gently. "Open the door. "

He didn't reply. I ran to the kitchen and stole one of Tonys butter knifes then ran back. I jammed the butter knife in between the door and the wall right where the door knob was and the door slid open. I put the butter knife down and walked into Percy's room.

To say it was a mess would be an understatement. The dresser was laying face first on the floor, clothes and broken shards of lamp scattering the floor along with a small amount of blood. The curtains where ripped off their hinges, and thrown carelessly on the floor. I saw Percy curled up in a ball on his bed, the blankets and pillows ripped off the bed and thrown to random places on the floor.

My chin trembled seeing him like this. I'd never seen Percy so.... Vulnerable, so Broken. I rushed over to him and wrapped my arm around him pulling him close as he sobbed into my shirt. I buried my face in the crook of his neck letting out my own sob.

And so we sat there crying like baby's. Two broken beyond repair people crying their hearts out.

But I somehow knew that together, maybe, just maybe, there was a small glimmer of hope.

[A/N] THE END!!! Lol JK bro. Actually.... NO *mentally slaps self* I can just be happy with a little bit of violence next chapter... Maaayybbeeee... Man this chapter had no Perch POV....... I'll have to put some in next chapter. This was kinda like a filler, and so Annabeth could find out that Perce totes killed someone. Woah... I sounded so strange right there....

QOTD: "You drool in your sleep. " ~Annabeth, The Lightning Thief (PERCABETHS FIRST WORDS!! *squeals*)

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Be AwEsOmE!!!!

~CaMp_SkItTlEz_BlOoD (lol it's so fun to write like that....)

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