Chapter ~21~

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[A/N] ok, I apologize in advance for what I am about to do in this chapter. Plus, @HoO_Lover_4_Life helped me come up with this truly evil idea, so it's not 100% my fault. ^.^ just, please don't murder meh!

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By @bleiceri

WHY WHY !! NO NO NEW NICK NO NO NO!!! YOU CANT DO THIS YOU CANT!! HYPERVENTILATING! We regret to inform you that Erin has gone into a coma due to shock.


You got 3 seconds to run cause Im about to kill you *Grabs gun* peopeopeo*

By @Book_Lover_13_


By @HoO_Lover_4_Life

I threw my phone at the wall yelling "NO. NO.NONONONONON. NOT ALLOWED. NOPE. NOPE. NO. JUST NOW." pretty sure my parents are about to ship me off to an asylum...

Ok I know I chose 4 instead of 3, but I couldn't decide XD YOU ALL ARE EPIC!!! PEOPLE, YOU SHOULD ALL GO FOLLOW DEM!!! THANNK YOUU!!! ok, now for my uber evil plan to begin >:D

Chapter ~21~ 3rd Person POV, infront of Stark Towers~

Once Percy, Loki and Calypso disappeared everyone stumbled off the ground, well, except for Bruce and Steve who where still out.

Tony noticed Annabeth first. He cursed loudly and rushed over to her, or at least as fast as he could after being thrown into a car once or twice.

Tony knelt down in the pool of blood next to Annabeth, he was sure he would have to wash his armor later. Her eyes where just barely open as she breathed heavily, clutching the stump of what used to be where an arm was and staring into the sky, her blonde curls now coated with a layer of blood.

"Thor! Clint! Nat! Steve! Bruce! Come here! NOW!" Tony commanded, even though two of the people he called for where unconscious at the moment. In a short few seconds everyone was at Tonys side looking at Annabeth.

"Dont just stand there! Help me get her back to the Tower! A.S.A.P!"

And so Tony, Clint an Thor began the long course back to the Tower.


Bruce and Cap had woken up and they had gotten some doctors in and patched everybody up.

Annabeth was currently under heavy sedative, for the pain and for healing. Nobody could believe that Percy had done such a thing. He wasn't strong enough to stop it.

Tony worked on some blue prints, he was working on a new robotic arm for Annabeth. It would be a million times better then a normal arm. Or at least Tony hoped it would.

After seeing Percy's true power, they where afraid of what he was going to do next. Who knew. With those three's power combined, even the Avengers would amount to nothing.

But what was there next step?


I couldn't see exactly where I was, it was to dark. But I do know that Calypso an Loki where planning something, and I sure as Hades didn't want to be apart of it.

I heard a door open to my left and I felt my body turn and look, there I saw Calypso and Loki walk in, mischievous smiles spread across both of there faces. What where they planning?

"Now, Percy, I need you to do me a favor. " Calypso said sweetly.

"And what would that be, my Lady?" I heard myself reply. I hated this.

"I need you to complete the following task, go to your little Camp, and kill everyone in it. " Calypso said simply.

Kill Everyone at Camp?! Was she really going to make me do that? No. I wouldn't. I couldn't. I took me a second to reply, but I did.

"Yes my Lady. " I said, though every bone in my body was saying no.

"Good. " Calypso said, snapping her fingers.

I then found myself atop Half-Blood Hill over looking the camp. I tried to stop myself, but instead of Lokis grasp on me getting weaker, it seemed to only straighten. Trying not to kill Annabeth had taken all my willpower and now I was about to destroy the only other thing I actually cared about.

I felt my hand go into my pocket and pull out Riptide. It was still in pen form when I walking into camp, smiling casually at the Campers as the walked by.

"Hey! Percy!" I heard Jason call as he ran up to me. I had just gotten to the middle of where the cabins where. As Jason approached me I uncapped Riptide. "what are you doing Perce?"

He slowed down until he was standing feet away from me. I smiled evilly.

"I'm doing my job. " I stated.

Then I lunged at Jason.

Jason was caught by surprise, and was only just able to jump back. Jason quickly gathered his baring and threw his coin up into the air, then he caught it and it was in sword form. But I was always the better sword fighter.

Then I charged and we where locked in combat. I would stab and parry, he would block and duck. It never seemed to end. But then I was able to disarm him. He stood panting and staring into my eyes, that wherent sea green due to the effects of Loki's taking over my mind thing.

I then put my sword to his chest and he looked at me with a pleading expression. My hands shook, but I plunged the sword into his chest. I saw his eyes dull and then roll back into his head as he fell into a pool of his own blood, dead.

"JASON!!" I heard a bloodcurdling scream. I turned and saw Piper running up to me. She stopped right in front of me tears rolling down her face. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" she screamed.

"I've done you a favor. " I said with a voice vary much unlike my own. She raised her fist an punch me right in the face. I stumbled back and fell, clutching my face that was dripping blood from her mighty blow.

I saw her kneel down by Jason and cry. Campers started surrounding the scene. I saw some with weapons approaching me. So I got up and ran. I ran as fast as I could to get out of there.

Once I was a good distance away I noticed something. I sat down against a tree. I had control back. Blood dripped from my forehead, but I had control back over my body.

But I had killed one of my friends. And for all I know, I could have wounded Annabeth so badly she was dead by now. There was no going back for me.

I was a monster.

I didn't notice it, but I was actually sobbing. Not just crying, but heart broken gut wrenching sobbing. I had never cried so hard in all my life.

Of all the terrible things that could've happened, this was by far the worst.

I was a monster, and monsters deserve to die.

[A/N] I APOLOGIZED IN THE BEGINNING!!! AM SO SORRY TO ALL CHU JIPER/JASON LOVERS... But I had to ^.^ is it bad that I enjoyed writing this chapter..? Probably is....

QOTD: "She's alive. " Leo said. "Thank the gods and pass the hot sauce. "

Frank frowned. "What does that mean?"

Leo wiped the chip crumbs off his face. "It means pass the hot sauce, Zhang. I'm still hungry. "

Frank slid over a jar of salsa. " ~The House of Hades ^.^ Frank can be so clueless sometimes... But we love 'em.

Now, 25 Votes and 10 Comments y'all!!






~A Person you should not kill ^.^

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