Chapter 37: Back to Hogwarts

Start from the beginning

Harry looked at the Twins with surprise.

Patrianne shrugged, "We know that it was you, you know. You had quite an effect on us all here."

"What do you mean, effect?" Harry queried, curious.

"We noticed that no matter where we go, your Magic seem to make itself known along with ours. I think the Wizarding Adults call it, 'Kapatiran', the sense of camaderie and brotherhood anchored by a Giver of Magic to his friends. Seems like you are bound to us, as we are bound to you," Hermione explained.

At her voice, Harry jumped, "'Mione!"

"Hullo, Bran," she said shyly, tucking a loose hair on her ear, "I've- We've all missed you."

Harry flushed, "I missed you, too."

His friends gave each other a knowing look. Harry blushed even more, "I mean, well, I missed all of you."

Liannus only snorted, "Yeah, weirdo. Don't we know better. Do come and eat. We have Charms in an hour or so."

Harry grinned at his friends, then took his customary seat between Hermione and Theodore. Slipping his left hand under the table and entwining it with Hermione's, Harry smiled a true smile. He looked around him and saw familiar faces and a familiar place where he felt he would always belong.

"Welcome home, Brandon," Hermione whispered. Harry grabbed his fork, and ate a slice of his beef,while his mind echoed, 'Home.'


"Your son seems to have taken on our Miss Granger," Minerva commented as she took a sip off her goblet, "and she seems to reciprocate it."

Severus eyed his son and Granger at the remark. Deep inside, he knew that at some point Harry would find his beloved, but Snape would be damned if his son would be in a relationship at eleven, "Do not insinuate something else from a harmless young friendship, Minerva."

"Afraid he'll grow up so soon, Severus?" Minerva continued to tease.

'Yes, you blasted old senile woman, yes!' Severus wanted to answer desperately, but he gritted his teeth, "No. Just that I want him to enjoy his youth while he can, you old lewd furball."

Minerva laughed at that, making the rest of the teachers look at them. Albus even gave a fake cough, as if hiding his laughter at Snape's remark.

Then, Albus started to stand and Minerva dutifully clanked her knife on her goblet. This caught the students' attention almost immediately, "Before we are to end our lunch, I believe it is my pleasure and an honour to introduce a new parent in our faculty."

As expected, the little brats started to discuss, and soon, a murmur of speculations reverbalerated against the Hall, "Now, now. Do keep quiet, young ones," Albus chided, "Please stand, Professor Snape."

At this, the blasted 'young ones' started to clamour even more. Despite being the people's apple of the eye, which Severus hated, it was rewarding to see their jawlines drop at the mention of his name. Even if the whispers were hushed and the words incomprehensible, Severus could almost decipher their comments by the look on their faces.

Who would have the capacity to stomach being Snape's child? That kid must be crazy! Blah, blah and BLAH.

Let them speculate- Snape could care less. Whatever these pampered brats might be thinking, Snape did not give an inkling of interest. They are just children; they wouldn't understand. It was a matter that was between him and Harry.

The Boy: Brandon DurselyWhere stories live. Discover now