Chapter 3

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A/N: Just as I promised. I know you can't wait for it, anymore! Do you want to see more fast updates? You know the drill. Comment, share and vote. Make this book more famous than it could ever be.  :P

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Group Chat

Vani: You won't believe what happened right now?

Shruthi: What? :D

I am close to being half-asleep

Vani: I just had a Skype Chat with Tanaka san. I am so excited!!!

He almost confirmed the internship




I can't breath!!!

Akshaya: What am I hearing??? *-*

Is it real?

Vani: Yes! Yes! Yes!

I can't wait for us to start ASAP.

How about you guys?

Shruthi: I had my interview scheduled with Akio san.

Apparently, he backed out. -_-

Ashwini: Like, who does that?

Misaki san, took mine.

Went okay, I guess.

(Reply to Shruthi ) What? Did he explain?

Shruthi: Well, something about his tea break went too long.

Wait. I remember. Something about him being late for a dinner date.

Like who tells that to a potential intern?

Vani: What?

Haha. It's funny.

Coz I think Tanaka san, talked about something on the similar line. Maybe it's common there?

Ashwini: What?

You guys got to be kidding me!

They don't do that in Japan. Especially not in official relationships. That too to a practical stranger.

V: Well...

Not exactly.

He kept tugging his tie. So, when I asked, more like mentioned it, he told me he was back from a dinner date. He did have this look immediately like, why did he even tell me that!

Not like I mind. It's his personal life anyway!

Shruthi: It's not that!

It's not knowing to draw boundaries.



Ananya: I get your excitement. But please understand that some people here are trying to sleep.

Vani: Well, it's past midnight. Why are you even awake, Ms. Goody shoes?? :P

Ananya: Well, Someone can't stop talking. That's why! :/

Vani: :P

Shruthi: Fine, let's call it a night.

Anyway, Akio san, told me he'd call me in the morning.

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