Chapter 22

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Incoming call.....
I looked at the caller ID and Tobin's face lit up my phone.


"Hey Brooklyn I was wondering if you wanted to come to a party with me later tonight"

"Yeah what time"

"6pm I'll be at your house at 5:30 to pick you up"

"Okay just don't turn up on that death trap of a bike or I will literally kill you"  I said sarcastically.

"No promises princess"  I heard her laugh.

"Tobyyyyy"  I whined.

"Whaaaaaaat"  she said imitating me.

"I swear to god if you do I will drag your ass to the party by the ear, and we will walk the whole fucking way there"  I said stubbornly.

"Yeah, I doubt that princess"  I could tell she was smirking on the other end.

"Stop with calling me princess you know I don't like it"  i pouted.

"Fine Fine, I'm calling you Brook instead then"

"Thank you"  I smiled.

"Right get ready I'll be there 5:30 on the dot, don't keep me waiting"  she replied.

"I won't I promise"

"Good see you soon princess"

And before I could protest about the nickname she hung up. I chuckled before quickly running to my closet and picking an outfit out for the party. It was now 4:45pm that meant I had 45 minutes to get ready.

I grabbed a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, with black vans and a grey oversized T-shirt.
I straightened my hair and put some mascara and did my eyebrows. By the time I was done it was 5:15.

In a matter of no time it was 5:30, just as Tobin said, she was there 5:30 on the dot leaning on the hood of her white BMW M4. "Yeah your lucky you didn't come on the Kawasaki or I would have murdered you" I said pretending to be dead serious.

She just chuckled and opened the passenger side door for me. "Thank you Toby" I cooed.
"Anything for you" she said before quickly running around and getting in the car, slamming the door behind her.

Tobin sped off and basically turned a 30 minute drive into 15 minutes. She pulled up outside the house and turned the ignition off.
She quickly jumped out of the car and came and opened my door for me again.

"Thanks Tobs" I said getting out of the car.
"No problem" she said closing it behind me.
We walked up the driveway and went by about 7 people passed out on the lawn.

Red solo cups were scattered on nearly every single piece of furniture and empty ones crowded the floor. "Hey do you want a drink"
Tobin asked me. "Yeah sure but nothing alcoholic, someone needs to drive home and I know it definitely will not be you" I said poking her in the chest.

"It definitely will not be you" Tobin mimicked me. "Shut up dickface and get me my drink" I commanded. "Yeah, yeah, I'm going to don't worry" she said sarcasm lacing her words.
A few minutes later Tobin walked back from the kitchen with a bottle of water in one hand which I presume was mine and a red solo cup in the other.

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