Chapter 5

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I woke up at 9:46am it was a Saturday so that meant I had no school. I slowly made my way out of bed to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, then I straightened my hair, I got it highlighted before I came here. It was a dirty fur colour so I got some lighter blonde highlights.

I changed into some black adidas soccer shorts and a thick strapped tank top, I then slipped on my shoes and decided to go out for a run. I grabbed my earphones and water bottle, then rushed out the door.

I took a short 30 minute run then returned home. I went upstairs and took a nice warm shower. I needed some time to relax, maybe it was because I've been so stressed lately over of the whole moving thing.

I got out of the shower and dried off my body changing into some black sweatpants and a baggy tank top.
I braided my hair and decided to let it dry naturally in the air.

I heard a knock at my door  "come in!"
I yelled. My brother Tyler appeared from behind the door, holding a bag from game stop. "Hey, I have a surprise"  he said waving the bag in the air. "If this is one of your stupid pranks, I mean it I will beat you senseless"  I replied unnervingly.

"No, No!, it's not a promise, it's just you always complained about a game before we moved"  he replied seriously.
"NO YOU DIDNT!"  I basically screech,
"Here"  he said handing me FIFA 18 icon edition, "Ty how much did you spend on this"  i questioned him with a bit of guilt in my tone.

"Only $90, but don't worry I've been saving up to get it for you, just count it as an early birthday present" he replied "awww thanks Ty" I said giving my brother a bear hug "your welcome brook, now install it so I can beat your ass" he replied sniggering.

I turned on my PlayStation4 and me and my brother basically played until our mom had called us downstairs to eat dinner. My mom placed my dinner in front of me, "thanks mom" I said as I got stuck into my food.

Once I had finished my pizza and chips,
I went upstairs and slumped into my bed. I looked at my phone and I had a message from an unknown number.

???: Hey what are you up to

Brooklyn: ummm who is this?

???: oh yea it's Charlie ahaha

Brooklyn: oh ok, but how did you get my number

Charlie: i have my sources

Brooklyn: bit creepy don't ya think

Charlie: now that I come to think of it, yes it is a bit creepy ahaha

Brooklyn: yeah ahahah

Charlie: so what are you doing

Brooklyn: to be honest nothing just chillin in my room, you?

Charlie: i was supposed to be going to a family gathering tonight, but I decided not to go

Brooklyn: why not

Charlie: i don't know, I'm just not feeling it, plus it would be embarrassing af

Brooklyn: why would it be embarrassing for you

Charlie: personal things, anyway
I'll talk to you later ima bout to jump in the shower real quick

Brooklyn: ok see you later

It was around 10:30pm, the day had flew in and I was getting very tired. I got up off of my bed, and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I went into my wardrobe and picked out some black adidas shorts and a navy adidas sports bra.

Once I got changed i put in my earphones and put my playlist on shuffle. And I'm a matter of no time I had drifted off to sleep.

Hey guys if you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to vote and leave a comment with some ideas or just saying if you enjoyed it
Peace ✌🏼

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