Halliwell Manor- Kitchen- The Next Afternoon

Start from the beginning

I've found a church nearby to leave the baby at when she is born, and I pray that she is given to a family that will love her and cherish every moment that she's in their lives. I shouldn't even be thinking of names, because the one she's given won't come from me, but if I were to keep her, her name would be Penelope Melinda, for mom, who has helped me through so much.

**As she read this, Paige made a comical face of distaste, muttering quietly. "'Penelope'? Sheesh! Makes me think of 'Pepe Le Pew' and the kitty he was always chasing. Sorry, Grams, Mom, I love you both," she added as she briefly looked heavenward. Then she looked down again and continued to read. **

Sam will be here soon, and it's as if she knows he's on his way... My little princess has been restless for the past hour, flipping and kicking at me. Makes me sad knowing that I won't be able to raise her, as her energy level seems to match that of both Phoebe and Piper's. Maybe the three of them could wear one another out instead of exhausting Mom, Prue and me. More at another time, as Sam has just orbed in.


**Paige felt tears pricking behind her eyelids as she continued on to the next entry. **

August 1, 1977

Dear Diary-

As I write this, my contractions are steadily growing stronger, and I can't stop my tears from falling. I know that soon, I'm going to have to endure the hardest time in my life; giving up my baby to strangers, not knowing what will become of her. She's already showing signs of the famed 'Halliwell stubborn streak' that is discussed so much in the Book Of Shadows... Apparently, it started with Melinda Warren and spiraled down through the generations from there. Her sisters have been blessed (I say cursed, especially Prue) with it, and Mom and I have it, so I guess it shouldn't come as a big surprise...

** Paige giggled quietly to herself at this news about Prue as a child, and then gasped in horror, wondering what the future held in store for Peyton. **

My cervix is dilated to seven centimeters, and has stayed that way for ten hours, now. My water has yet to break, and Mom is getting worried. She keeps taking me to the bathroom every half an hour or so, in hopes that moving me will cause my water to break.

Victor has taken the girls for the night, and Mom is angry, but she says it's better than having them here to witness my screaming bloody murder when their baby sister decides she's finally ready to come (stubborn little half-Whitelighter! I thought that they were supposed to be pacifists, but this one's got a pretty powerful kick.... I fear her size already)

** Paige giggled again and then muttered aloud, "You wanna see stubborn, Mom? Try your little granddaughter when she decides it's playtime after her 2 AM feeding... now that's stubborn!" She looked to the table beside her and smiled at the photo there. She and Piper had had the photo taken of Garrett and Peyton in honor of their first Christmas. Both were seated on Santa's lap, screaming for all they were worth. "Yeah, they'll be begging us not to display that in a few years," she stated as she went back to reading. **

Speaking of stubborn Whitelighters, Sam is sleeping soundly beside me. How I would love to freeze him that way for eternity...he looks so peaceful. Then again, I'd just like to freeze him for spite, personal gain consequences or no. It's not fair that he gets to lie there and sleep while I'm in a world of hurt. Wow! Talk about hurt! Something's happening, now! Uh oh! My water just broke! Have to scream for Mom and wake Sam.


** "Aww, Mom!" Paige whimpered as she began to cry. After several minutes of hard crying, Paige was finally calm enough to read the next entry. **

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