Chapter Three

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Author's POV

Ellie takes deep breaths that afternoon, basking in the California sun. She's never been in such a lively city, always used to the stillness of her small town. She bites her lower lip, this habit has stuck with her forever, leaning forward, she looks out of the large windows. Her heart nearly jumps out of her chest.

"Ellie Davis." Jessica calls out, but gets no response from a stunned Ellie, who was still looking out of the window. "Ellie. Davis." She repeats, this time getting her attention.

"Yes?" She turns around, bright blue eyes and a warm smile.

Jessica smiles, "She's ready for you."

"Oh. Like, now, now?"

"Yes. Now, now." Jessica turns around, "Come on."

Ellie grips her portfolio in one hand and puts her nerves aside as she enters the room, where the Beyoncé Knowles sat, coolly sipping her tea.

Jessica waits for Ellie to be fully inside the room before stepping out and closing the door behind her.

"Hello," Ellie smiles, putting her hand out to shake Beyoncé's hand.

Beyoncé gladly shakes her hand and beckons for her to have a seat.

"Did you have a good flight?"

"Yes. I've never been on an airplane actually," Ellie laughs, nervously.

Beyoncé makes a mental note. "Why is that?"

"Well, it's complicated. But I am glad to be here, and I do want to thank you for this opportunity."

Beyoncé makes another mental note, "Of course. Can I have a look?" She looks at the tightly gripped portfolio.

"Ah, yes, of course." She hands it over to the pop-star and sits still as she watches her work being judged.

To say Beyoncé wasn't impressed would be a lie. "And you do this all yourself? No help?"

"No. I'm a freelance photographer, a one woman show you could say." Ellie giggles, smiling widely.

The pop-star finds herself smiling too, the young woman's smile was infectious and she was unsure why, it was so unlike her.

"Tell me something about yourself? Why apply for a job like this?"

"Well, apart from the obvious, I think this is a great growing experience for myself. I like to be challenged, I know this job will come with many challenges."

"Such as?"

"I'm not sure if you're familiar with photography." Ellie says, noticing Beyoncé's smile falter.

"I am, actually."

"Okay, well that makes it easier for me to explain. When I say, I like to be challenged, I mean, we're going to be constantly set in different places, different lighting, something I won't know until I get there. Meaning I have to think fast and be quick, I have to figure out what exposure my camera will need and what settings I'll have to put it to without missing a single moment." Ellie takes a deep breath, "Sorry I'm rambling." She smiles, putting a strand of hair behind her ear.

Once again, Beyoncé found herself smiling.

"Ellie, is it?"

Ellie nods.

"Can you start this next week?"

"That's in two days."

"Is that a no?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2018 ⏰

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