Halliwell Manor Foyer-December 19, 2003- the Night before Paige's Wedding

Start from the beginning

"Pleased to meet you." Sam announced as he held out his right hand to them. "Likewise." Glenn's father stated as he got to his feet and took Sam's hand, shaking it. "Victor, nice to see you again." Sam stated as he spotted Patty's ex-husband seated on the wicker loveseat beside Phoebe.

"Been a long time, Sam." Victor answered, his facial expression saying it could have been longer. "Now that everyone's here, can I freshen anyone's drink?" Piper asked quickly. "Sam, would you care for anything to drink?" she continued when no one answered her. "I'll take some ice water if you have it," Sam answered. "Coming right up. Dad, can I see you in the kitchen for a moment?" Piper inquired pointedly. "Certainly, sweetheart." Victor answered as he got to his feet and followed his daughter from the room.

Halliwell Manor- Kitchen

"Look, Dad... I know you and Sam aren't the best of friends, but can you please rein in your animosity for the wedding, at least? Glenn's parents have no clue that Paige is a witch, so I don't want to get into the whole 'Whitelighters are horrible creatures thing' in front of them." Piper informed Victor. "As long as he can behave himself, I will, too." Victor assured her. "Thank you." Piper said gratefully as she added water to the glass of ice she held in her hand. "We should get back to your guests." Victor said as he gathered Piper into his arms for a hug. "Yes, we should." Piper agreed as she squeezed her father tightly to herself.

Back In The Conservatory

"Here you are, Sam." Piper stated as she held out the glass of ice water to him. "Thank you." Sam replied as he took it. "Paige? Honey?" Piper addressed her baby sister, who looked up from her conversation with Diana. "What?" Paige inquired. "I'm thinking maybe it would be a good idea for you to eat a banana or something to tide you over during the rehearsal." Piper suggested gently. "You haven't eaten anything since lunch, and that was awhile ago."

"I'll be fine." Paige insisted. "Besides, I'm too worked up to eat, anyhow."

"Okay, but if you start feeling queasy, missy, we're stopping so that you can eat." Phoebe informed her as she rubbed her own protruding tummy. Paige rolled her eyes at Phoebe while offering a loud, dramatic sigh in response. "Smartass." Phoebe muttered under her breath. At the same time, Diana inquired. "Morning sickness, sweetheart?"

"Morning, noon, middle of the night...the kid is ruthless." Glenn informed his mother. "So were you, dear." Diana retorted. "Great." Paige mumbled. "That's just wonderful."

"You'll make it." Piper whispered as she rubbed Paige's shoulder. "Thanks." Paige whispered as she offered her older sister a shaky smile. "You sure you're okay?" Piper pressed, worry evident in her large, chocolate-brown eyes.

"Fine." Paige lied as her stomach did a flip-flop. "Let's start this rehearsal," she said in a louder voice. "Father Flanagan?" she addressed the minister. "What? Oh, yes," he said quickly, looking up from his conversation with Chris, Sam and Victor. "Glenn? I'd like you to come up here by me, if you would. Girls? Go to the top of the stairs, please. Victor, since Sam is here, you can have a seat, and Sam? I'll need you at the bottom of the stairs. Rob and Leo, you wait with Sam and walk in with Phoebe and Piper."

"I'll take Garrett." Victor announced as he held out his arms, and took his grandson from Leo. "Sam, I can take Peyton." Diana offered. "Come here, sweetheart," she continued as Peyton went, cooing, into her arms. "Sure, she likes you." Sam muttered good-naturedly as he turned and walked to the foot of the staircase, taking his place beside Rob. "Got the music." Chris stated as he pressed the play button on the CD player. Seconds later, the opening notes of 'The Colour Of My Love' by Celine Dion filled the Manor.

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