Chapter 69

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I wake up Saturday morning in an unexpectedly cheery mood. Feeling rather great, I walk down the stairs whistling. I skip the last flight of steps and take a right to the kitchen. Mum is seated inside and she looks up from her iPad when she hears me barging in.

"Someone's joyful today?" She points out amused and eyes my tired, but happy appear up and down.

"Yes, I am feeling rather awesome today." I tell her cheerily and sit down next to her to make myself some breakfast. While I wait for my tea water to boil, I ready a sandwhich with cheese and some yoghurt. Mum and I sit in a comfortable silence and eat. Whilst I scoop up the last of my yoghurt, I glance at the clock on our kitchen wall and realize that it is half past ten. Jack hasn't made an appearence yet and my curiosity is immediately awaken.

"Where's Jack?" I ask mum and drink the last of my tea.

"He's out in the garage," she tells me, still focusing on her newspaper. My eyebrows wrinkle together, the garage? What on earth is he doing there?

"The garage?" I repeat questioningly, but mum only hums in confirmation. She seems to be really into an article.

"What is he doing in the garage?" I ask, but mum doesn't seem to hear me. "Mum?" I say patiently.

"Hm?" She looks up questioningly at me.

"What is he doing in the garage?" I repeat patiently.

"Oh, nothing really. Working on his bike I guess." She says glancing down at the paper again. Quickly I snatch it over the table, away from her.

"Hey!" She protests narrowing her eyes at me.

"Thank you for the attention." I say sarcastically. "What bike? What are you talking about?"

"Jack inherited his father's old motorcycle, who is in a rather bad condition and therefore he is working on it out in the garage. He has done this for quite some time now, haven't you noticed?" Mum asks surprised and reaches absentminded for the paper.

"No." I mumble. "No I haven't." I wonder why that is and why Jack hasn't told me about this. Maybe he just haven't had the time?

"Well, this I must see." I tell mum and stand to clean up after me. Once I have finished I walk, rather quickly, towards the garage. My curiousity grows for each step I take. When I finally reach the garage and step through the door, I see Jack knelt before a large motorcycle. I am no expert on bikes so all I can say about this one is that it is black and, I believe, a seat for two persons.

"Hey Jack." I greet him, but he doesn't move from his position nor does he acknowledge me. That is when I notice the two ear buds popped into his ears and the low noise that is coming form them. He must have turned up the volume to its highest. Knowing that he won't be able to hear me, even if I screamed the loudest possible, I stroll up to him and give his shoulder a slight tap. Jack turns his head quickly and takes out the buds when he sees me.

"Oh, hey." He says standing up. Once he reach full length he proceeds to reach his arms long above his head, stretching out his back.

"Hey." I reply. "Whatcha got there?" I ask with a cocked eyebrow, looking around his torso.

"My dad's old bike." Says Jack, dragging a hand through his dark hair. His hands has stains of motor oil over them, Jack wipes them with a dirty cloth hanging on the bike.

"Where'd you get it from?" I ask, looking at it curiously. It is pretty bad shape and I don't think you would be able to ride it.

Jack seems rather uncomfortable with my question. "Er, I got it a couple of weeks back... It was my dad's and well, after he got himself killed it was passed down to me." He says distressed, dragging yet another hand through his hair. "So yeah." He says in one breath.

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