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Hermione walked down her white stairs feeling the tiredness from not getting much sleep the night before. Her feet made small creeks as she walked across her floor as blazing red shined through her window.

She had to wake up to see the sunrise one time every week. It reminded her to be grateful and humble. She really saw how beautiful earth was.

She heard a few creaks and turned her head to see her husband and her baby boy. Draco was holding their son close to his heart. Scorpius Malfoy is 2 years old and Hermione loves him more than anything in the world.

Draco leaned down to kiss Hermione, as she turned her head to kiss him.

"Mummy," the sleepy child said as he clung to her chest. Draco followed hermione as they went on their porch.

Hermione was cuddled up to Draco as their son was snuggled up to her. Hermione leaned her head up against Draco and sighed.

"I have to tell you something," She whispered carefully not to wake her son.

"What's that" he asks looking down at her.

"Having Scorp is great, but i think he is going to have a sibling." She said not sure how he was going to react. She looked down.

"Mione," he said and she looked back at him.
"Are you...having a baby?" He asked trying to hold back excitement.

"We are Draco." she whispered.

Hermione has only seen him smile three times  like this before at their wedding, when she told she was pregnant, and when Scorpius arrived.

"I want to scream out of excitement, but there's no way i'm waking him up" Draco said leaning down to kiss her.

"I love you."
"And i love you"

The end

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