t h r e e

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Draco was planning on asking Hermione to spend time away from studying with him. He was going to ask today. He waited for a few minutes and checked the time.


Hermione came rushing in, with puffy eyes and a red face.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry." She said pulling out her books.

"Granger, have you been crying?"

"No, don't be daft." She said opening up the page. Beginning to talk about the muggle studies Draco stared at her.

"Granger," Draco said shutting the book. Hermione stared at the ground holding tears back.

"What is it?"

"Ronald." She whispered.
"He just went and kissed Lavendar Brown."

"She's annoying." Draco said. "She sounds like a mouse."

Hermione laughed at this because it was true. She leaned her head on Dracos shoulder.

"He's so daft, but I'm done with him. He can go have fun with that daft mouse."

Draco smiled at her try at an  insult.

"You're prettier anyway."

She sat up.

"You just complimented me." She smiled.

"I did. Go out with me. On a date. But, I hope you don't mind...we can't be seen. My father would kill me and you."

Hermione stared at him.

"Yeah, sure. Where to?"

"I was thinking Hogsmeade."

"People will see us." She said.

"At 2am in the morning." He said raising an eyebrow.

Hermione laughed and nodded. She smiled and looked back at the ground.

"Meet here?" She asked. He nodded.

+ + +

Hermione left her room and walked quietly. Checking the time she was right on time. Draco was standing there looking at the stars.

"Granger," he greeted her.

"Malfoy," she greeted him.

He took her arm and they apparated out of there.

Hermione had never apparated before, but she knew that you couldn't apparate on Hogwarts grounds.

"How did you do that?" She said putting a hand on her stomach.

"Loop holes." He smiled.

Looking around, no one was around. It looked like a ghost town. A snowball hit her back and she squealed.

"Malfoy!" She said grabbing some snow and threw it right in his face. Her first thought was, run.

She began running down the road of Hogsmeade, Draco behind her. Thinking she could trip him out, she slid to the side.

However, she did not realize how close Draco was, and bumped into him. Taking her down, as well as him. She was laughing hysterically. And Draco let out a chuckle.

She looked up at him and smiled. He leaned down, but before he could kiss her she shoved snow in his face. He rolled off of her to rub the snow off of his face. Hermione got up laughing.

"This is funny?" He said seriously, but couldn't stop the grin from hearing her laugh. He stood up and stared at her. She was still laughing.

She didn't notice him coming up and putting her over his shoulder. She squealed and laughed again.

"Oi! What are you two doing!" Someone yelled. Draco apparated right away. Hermione and him fell on their bottoms when they got back to the astronomy tower.

"I forgot about the damn bar." He said standing up.

"It's okay. We weren't under a lamp post so we'll be fine." She said and smiled at him.

"Right, you're right." He said resting against the railing. Hermione came over and looked at the stars with him.

"The winter has the clearest nights." She said. Draco stared down at her. When she looked up at him, he knew it was a perfect time to kiss her.

He leaned down, and she stepped up on her tippy toes. Their lips met and together they created a spark.

She held onto him tightly, and when they broke apart, he smiled.

"Be my girlfriend. We would have to meet in secret until school is over. I can't risk it."

"Okay." She whispered.

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