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I just published the revised version of this story!! I suggest reading that one:) I wrote this when I was like 16 lol

Three years after the war

Ginny Weasley apparated to the middle of no where. Well, not quite. Hermione Grangers home just happened to lay in the middle of nowhere. A nice sized house, surrounded completely by nature.

Although it was not needed, Ginny still knocked on her door three times. And every time, Hermione opens it and smiles. They embrace each other in a hug.

"Oh, Gin, it feels like weeks." Hermione said smiling.
"I know, it always does." Ginny agreed. She took off her coat as Hermione prepared a cup of tea.

"How's Ron?" Hermione asked every time. Ginny sighed. Ron has not been well since his older brother died in the war.

"I mean, every day is a growth, but—"
"He still broken. I think in someway we all are." Hermione handed Ginny her usual tea.

"Yeah, I believe thats true." She said sipping on her tea.

"Oh!" Hermione squealed. She ran across the hall.
"Gin! I have a meeting. It will only be a bit though! Please make yourself at home...there's food in the fridge!"

Suddenly Ginny was left alone. She realized she never had a true tour of this house. Deciding to give herself one, she set her tea down.

The first floor was familiar, however the second was not. Going up the staircase, Ginny smiled at the pictures from their years in Hogwarts.

Up the stairs were many rooms. However one door was shut...was it another bathroom? Ginny wasn't sure but went into Hermiones room. It was a pastel pink and very neat. Ginny sat on her comfortable bed and looked at all of her books.

Remembering the other room, Ginny got up and went into the other room. It looked like an office, but not truly an office. Something familiar in the back of the room. A pensive? Next to it was memories.

Ginny scolded herself for being sneaky...but still she was curious. Looking at the memories and their labels, one stuck out.

It was labeled "hidden years, d+h"

She poured it into the pensive and dipped her head in.

Hidden years • DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now