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Once upon a weekday dreary

Mermaids singing, faeries flitting

Time for dreaming with the stars

I wonder now if that lane is true

The Nightmare Lane to DreamLand

The place we go in mightful thinking

The place where there is confidence stewing

The place only trusted with by those of Lore

I wonder once and wander twice

Passed by renegading mice

The Sirens sing, the Willows wisp

The Wendigo takes a sip

The latest arrival on Nightmare Lane

Cold, scared, and fleeting

Only a step, child, is to be taken

To get to DreamLand on Unicorns

She passes through in golden light

Wonders why in DreamLand

As I pace these hallowed halls

I wish for the sighing call

To take me away to DreamLand

Where parents don't fight

Where siblings don't bicker

To go and frolick with those of Lore

Up in the sky where the Universe lies

Where humanity left those of Lore

Just past Mars and North of Venus

Yet just below the angel's world

Where Mermaids sing and faeries are flitting

Wished for on weekdays, twice or more

Is a wonderful place few remember

Just like those of roundabout Lore

A place called DreamLand just off Nightmare Lane

A home to those who wish with stars

Who lay on roofs yet dream on Mars

Those who are not meant for this worldly plane. 

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