46. Heading Home 2

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Dannii's POV

I woke up to find my head on Alan's chest and his arms wrapped firmly around me. I felt so happy there. I felt so content and complete.

I looked up and noticed Alan was still sleeping. He looked so cute. I lift my hand up and gently run my fingers along his beard. It was one of the things I found really attractive about him.... And just guys in general, also the feeling of it was just amusing to me.

He then frowned and opened his eyes "you having fun feeling my beard??" He said in a confused tone with a smirk on his face.

I blushed slightly. "I like beards. They feel cool" I said and he chuckled.

"So why don't you grow your own, Wierdo" he said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes at him.

He then rolled over on to his side so he was faceing me and pulled me in close to him. I loved this about him. He always has me as close to him as possible it's like he needs me. It's something I've never really experienced before I've never really felt needed.

Suddenly my phone started ringing. I groaned as I searched the bed for my phone, I eventually found it buried in the blanket. I looked at the screen.

*Incoming call from Brothership👽*

(Before you guys comment YES I do actually have my brother in my phone as that😂 I also have my mam in as Birth Giver)

I answered the phone when I saw it was him.


"What's up??"

"Ohh nothing I was just making sure your awake. You know our flights at 3 o'clock right??"

"Unfortunately" I groaned as I took my phone away from my ear to look at the time. 10:20am.

"Gunnar's gonna drop me to Alan's at 12 and then we'll get a taxi to the airport from there. Just make sure you and James are ready"

I chuckled "that's if James is still alive and didn't die from alcohol poisoning"

"Give him some red bull and a McDonald's and he'll be sorted for the day" Robbie said with a chuckle before continuing "anyway I gotta go pack everything and get ready. I'll see you later"

"Bye" I said as I hung up the phone and flopped back down on to Alan

"You have your brother in your phone as Brothership??" He said with a confused smile.

"Yeah" I said as if it was the most normal thing in the world. I knew it wasn't but I mean why not have my brother in my phone as brothership.

"Why??" Alan said with a confused look on his face.

"Why not?? It's better than being boring and having him in as his actual name. Like where's the fun in that??"
I argued and Alan chuckled.

"I'm scared to see what you have me in your phone as" he said as he stretched out his body.

"Your in as DJ Walkzz" I said and he looked at me with wide eyes.

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