
"I said get out." She wouldn't even look at him.

"But Mina, it's not what you think!"

"How many times have you seen her?" Jaehyo didn't answer her. He felt like shit. "How many?" She demanded.

He muttered, "Two times in person.." She looked at me, "And we've texted and called.."


"No Jaehyo, GET OUT! You were with Hwani again while I was being beaten and attacked! Jae, he hurt me! You were suppose to be there with me, but you weren't!" This time he saw some tears escape at her outburst, her voice was cracking.

"Mina, I'm sorry! Let me explain!"

"No, get out. I never want to see you again Jaehyo."

He started to cry at that. "No Mina, you don't mean that." He shook his head in denial.

"But, I do," spoke Mina softly.

At that moment Mikki and Yukwon burst into the room causing him to topple forward. Mikki gave him a dirty look and Yukwon grabbed him by the shoulders and started to drag him out of the room.

"No, NO! I have to explain to her! I have to!" Yukwon continued to drag him out of the room. The last thing he saw was Mina falling to the floor, crying, and Mikki comforting her.

"Mina... I love you..."

Then Yukwon dragged him away. Once he stopped struggling Kwon let him go and looked at him sadly. "I royally screwed up." Instead of saying anything, Kwon led him past the guys and out the door.

The only thing he said was, "Don't ever come near her or talk to her again. If you do, Kai and I will kill you." He then slammed the door in his face.

(This section was brought to you by: xxVanillaTwilightxxx a.k.a. the one writing this right now/ the silent reader who wants to run Hwani over. Hope you guys don't mind my interference!)

Taeil grabbed Yukwon's wrist, turning the younger towards him. Yukwon puffed a breath of air, spinning to face him. He raised his eyebrow, but when he saw Taeil's worried face, his expression softened.

"You didn't have to be so mean," Taeil spoke quietly, barely uttering his words. Yukwon lifted his chin, cupping his cheek.

"I'm sorry, but you heard what happened, he-"

"Yeah, I know, I heard." Taeil looked to the group who was too busy tending to Mina to notice them, then looked to the ground. He was stuck between going to his best friend or staying by Yukwon's side.

"Tae, go." Yukwon said, lifting Taeil's chin up. He pressed his lips to his cheek and smiled. "I get it, he's your best friend. Go check on him."

Taeil's eyes lit up and his face blushed. He hugged the younger, thanking him as he went to find Jaehyo.

"Aish, that idiot."


Mina's POV

Everything inside me hurts.

When everyone left to give me some space, the constricting feeling in my chest never went away. It felt as if it were eating away at me, feeding itself on my sadness. How could he do this to me? I didn't want to believe it but...

Was everyone right all along?

That they knew he would play me like this?

It hurts. The Jaehyo I knew wouldn't have done this, but then again, what did I know? He never stopped seeing Hwani...

The girl he loved before me.

I shook my head, wrapping my arms around myself. I hated crying, but nowadays it seemed to be the only thing I could do...

I sat in the corner of my room, with my knees to my chest. I couldn't take it anymore. All the hurt, all the pain... I just wanted it to go away.

I grabbed everything I could find in the medicine cabinet, everyone was gone so they wouldn't notice if I was right? I hated this.

I hated feeling sad.

I hated knowing the fact that I could get so worked up over everything.

I just wanted it to end.

I wanted the pain to go away.

One after another, I swallowed down the pills I could find. Laying on my bed, I waited, the tears never stopped, but...

Hopefully the pain will.

Don't Leave Me (Block B fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant