The thing

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I sit still, not making a sound except for my shallow breathing which had calmed down after a couple hours. I'm hungry, and tired, my clothes are worn and are soggy from the wet ground on the tunnels floor, my eyes keep getting heavy but I force myself to stay awake, I can't risk falling asleep again. I haven't eat in three days and my body is so weak that the only thing I can do is sit there with my long stick and hope the thing won't come back down the tunnel this way.

I'll try to tell you a little bit of why I'm in an under ground tunnel. See I don't remember much, just that I was in bed, sleeping soundly and when I woke up I was down here. I'm pretty sure that thing had brought me down here, and whatever it was I'm pretty sure it was just waiting until it was hungry, to eat my for its dinner. I have sat down here in the same spot for hours now and before that I was wondering around trying to find a way out of here, scared to death. When I was younger, an old lady who used to babysit me when my parents were out would tell me a legend like this, she was a men's old lady and just pretended to be nice around my parents, of course since I was little they never listened when I told them she was mean, so she just kept coming over to babysit me. Every night when she put me to bed she would tell me a new scary story, one that made it so I couldn't fall asleep for the rest of the night, and would keep me shivering either the covers pulled up to my head. This legend was about a creature, it lived in the underground city water tunnels and would come up into the middle of the night to steel children from their beds, and after a couple days of the children being stuck in the tunnels, it would eat them. I thought about that is horrible memory, and tried to rub it it of my head, I don't know how the old lady's story could have been true but right now that's what it seemed like.

I leaned my head up against the concrete walls again, my eyes threatening to droop over and for me to fall asleep. I was about to finally let sleep take me when I heard the sound. I had heard it several times before while i was down here but never this close or loud. I stood, my legs shaking underneath me from the small percentage of energy I had left, I bent over and grabbed my stick (like it would do me any good) and slowly walked farther away from where the shriek had come from. My hand dragged along the wall for guidance and as I kept walking I smelled something, something that was definitely dead. I followed the smell, knowing on the inside that I need to go another way and turn around. But something else made me keep following the smell, I turned another corner and put a hand over my mouth in shock, which was to also prevent me from screaming from the sight I saw in front of me. Laying on the ground were tons of tons of bodies, children's bodies, most were half eaten and some were just bones. I was petrified, the smell was awful and I could here another shriek from behind me, very close now. I screamed at myself inside and knew I had to get out of there, so I forced myself to turn and take a step but I couldn't move anymore as a long clawed hand set itself on my shoulder, I turned, looked up and saw-

Sorry I'm so mean guys, I had to do a cliff hanger and leave the end to your imagination. I'm so sorry that it's actually been months since I posted but I've been so busy and haven't had any time to!!! Please forgive me, and thank you for the 30,000 views, it means so much!

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