Chapter 3

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            "SnowClan?! Where's my family?! Where's my mommy?!" Stonekit raced around the den frantically while the she-cat stood and watched, almost laughing at him.

            The clan and family he had known for a mere day was already dissapearing from him. Who was the deputy of his old clan again? What was the name of that other queen?

            "Icestar!" the white she-cat hissed.

            Icestar padded into the den. "Oh, Stonekit, you're awake."

            "How did you know my name?!" Stonekit gasped.

            "You were left here last night. SnowClan is your new home now," the she-cat said.

            "But what about my old clan?! I'm so confused!" Stonekit yowled.

            His yowls awoke the older kit sleeping nearby. She opened her eyes and looked shocked to see Stonekit standing there.

            "This is your home now," Icestar said and lightly touched her tail to his shoulder. "It's time you met the other clanmates."

            Stonekit was confused. His past clan was slipping away from him. It was as if he was born here. Was he? Had the day before been a dream? No, it couldn't have been. Icestar said herself that he had been left here.

           Before Stonekit could speak, the white cat spoke. "I'm Petalnose," the pregnant queen said. "This is Mintkit," she said, pointing to the white and gray she-cat.

            Mintkit let out a smile. She was a large kit and would surely become an apprentice soon. It looked as if Petalnose's kits would be born in a moon or so.

            Icestar led the tom out of the nursery to the camp. Cats bounded everywhere, unlike in his old clan where few cats were seen. SnowClan was a very large place.

            "This is our deputy, Blacktail," Icestar said, pointing to a black tom. The black tom stood, calling out patrols to cats nearby.

            "Blacktail, this is Stonekit. You remember him from last night."

            Blacktail nodded. "Hello, Stonekit. Nice to meet you. You'll love it here at SnowClan!"

            Stonekit nodded, although he wasn't sure yet. Would he like it here? This would be his home.

            "This is Nightwhisker, our medicine cat," Icestar said.

            The black and white tom stood with his apprentice who was a Snowshoe she-cat. "Hi! This is Spottedmask, our medicine cat in training," he said, pointing to the she-cat that stood beside him.

            There were so many cats. How could Stonekit remember them all?!

            He spent the remainder of the time meeting the apprentices, warriors, and elders. He had already seemed to become familiar with the clan already, unlike his old clan where he didn't even remember which den stood where. For some reason, he seemed much more at home here than his other clan.

            Stonekit padded into the nursery and slept soundly on his nest. He liked it here. He liked it here a lot.

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