Chapter 15: Gotham Library

Start from the beginning

Batgirl: "You two are not coming?"

Zatanna: "No, besides we're not the stealthy type. At least, not Katana. I'm pretty loud when I'm doing my spells, me if you need my assistance and I'll help in any way I can." (Batgirl's eyebrows shot up.)

Batgirl: "Wow, thanks."

Zatanna: "Now, go. Find the answers. Katana and I will probably see you soon."

Batgirl: "Okay, see you soon, magician woman and soul taking samurai." (Batgirl got out of the library and looked at the card that Zatanna gave her.)

Batgirl: (Thoughts) "Hmm...follow these instructions and you will find out what's going on with the Pact. Simple. Shouldn't take me this long. Just find this address and I'll be out in no time. Yet, once more I'm talking to myself. I got to remember not to do that more often." (She grappled and flew to the address. She landed at the place and saw the building.)

Batgirl: "The Agency Organization building? Why on earth did the address bring me here, Zatanna? Well, the address did send me here. Guess I'm finding out something big. Time to go undercover. Literally. Spy drone, is there any camouflage?"

Spy drone: "Stand by as I return under your cape."

Batgirl: "Great. I'm glad that you're...wait, what?" (The drone returned to Batgirl's back and she felt a jolt of electricity hit her.)

Batgirl: "Ow! Hey, watch it, drone."

Spy drone: "My apologies, but it's the only way for the camouflage to work properly." (The spy drone and Batgirl both slowly turned invisible, but Batgirl couldn't really tell if they did or not.)

Spy drone: "Camouflage has been completed." (Batgirl looks at her hands and saw that there's no difference.)

Batgirl: "Really? I don't feel like I'm camouflage."

Spy drone: "Look through glass building to see your reflection in front of you."

Batgirl: "Glass building?" (She looks in front of herself and saw no reflection from Batgirl.)

Batgirl: "Well, that's oddly convenient. Nice work, spy drone. Now, let's see what's going on with the Agency." (She saw an opening above and grappled her way up. Then saw the glass skylight and opened it to go inside. She jumped and landed softly on the carpet without a sound.)

Batgirl: (Whispers) "Good. No one is here, but that doesn't mean we let our guard down."

Spy drone: "I agree. Better to remain vigilant."

Batgirl: (Whispers) "I hear you, spy drone." (She stayed quiet while moving past the vending machines and the meeting rooms. She saw one person, but didn't get a good look.)

Batgirl: (Whispers) "What the hell is that person still doing here? Doesn't that person ever sleep? Most agents just love to take the day off."

Spy drone: "Maybe that certain person hasn't finished his assignments."

Batgirl: (Whispers) "Wow, that person is just like me, except you know, not a cripple. Anyway, I better hurry before he comes over here to grab a soft drink." (She kept sneaking past the mini office desks and saw a door that says "Archives".)

Batgirl: (Whispers) "Is that it? I hope it is. There, I go again! I need to go home and go to bed if I keep talking to myself."

Spy drone: "You're right here. Just open the door and walk in."

Batgirl: (Whispers) "You're right, spy drone. Just nervous I might get caught." (She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.)

Batgirl: (Whispers) "Okay, here goes." (She slowly opened the door as she stuck her head in to see if anybody was inside. So far, there was no one to be seen.)

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