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"There was one time when I tried to do a backflip because I want to be like my friend, but the result is not what I expected," Jungkook shared. 

Yein let out an 'unlady-like snort' and asked, "Why? What happened?"

"I fell on my back. As a result, I missed school for a week or two with a bruised back," he winced—remembering those horrid days. 

Yein laughed at him so loud that all he wanted was for her to shut up. Jungkook just put on a blank face while waiting for her to stop.

"Oh my god! I want to see you do it. How about doing a backflip 2.0?" she surprisingly managed to say between her laughs. Jungkook rolled his eyes before focusing on his drink. Yein finally calmed down and lightly giggled.

"So, are you done laughing at me now?" he asked her with sarcasm in his voice.

 Yein giggled and answered, "Don't worry, boy. Yours isn't even close to my horrifying experience." That statement brought Jungkook's attention back to her which made Yein smirk.

"Then tell me," he eagerly said. Yein smirked, "And why should I?" Jungkook groaned—ready to protest—when she cut him 0ff.

"Besides, I didn't tell you to share your embarrassing experience. It's your fault, sweetheart," she said with her eyes glistening with mischief. Jungkook looked at her with wide eyes when her statement dawned on him.

"WHAT THE FUCK??!!!" he shouted. He can't believe that the lady tricked him. Yein could only laugh at his reaction and his stupidness—her words, not mine.

"That's what you get. You're getting drunk, honey," she playfully said. Jungkook glared at her. Once again, Yein laughed at his face which made Jungkook's lips twitch into a smile but he held it in—not wanting the lady to see it.

Why didn't I meet you first? 

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