"Do you think the waters cold?" I prompted.  She looked directly at me, and smiled. Her eyes captivating me again. Did I mention those lips? Those plump pink lips that were begging me to kiss them which were now pulled up into a heartbreaking smile just for me.

          "Race you there" She got up and ran. I ran after her, and we hit the water at the same time. I hadn't realized Maddie ran with us too, which was a bit weird. The water was surprisingly warm, and I splashed a bit over at Charlotte.

          Maddie got really clingy, which was annoying. I finally got some alone time with Charlotte, and she ruins it. She was doing pathetic attempts to flirt with me, like grabbing on to my arm, and asking me all sorts of questions like "Do you have a girlfriend?" In a sweet, sickly voice. "No" I would mutter back, but I was forever glancing at  Charlotte any chance I got. I saw Charlotte get out of the water and started to talk to one of the guys I think is named Connor. She laughed with him, battering her long eyelashes, and getting really close. Jealousy ran through me, and I started paying more attention to Maddie. She seemed nice all the same. 

Charlotte's POV


          I don't know why Maddie was all over Justin suddenly. I started speaking with Connor anyway, he was more like a brother to me. He took off his top at one point, and asked me if I wanted to get ice-cream with him. I accepted, and looking at him more closely, Connor was quite good looking, with a six pack faintly on his chest. He pulled me behind some building, and was suddenly very close. Too close. I could feel his breath on my lips, and he kissed me. I didn't pull back, but I wasn't kissing him either, too confused whith what was actually happening.

When I dicided to pull back, over Connor's shoulder I saw Justin looking devestated. I pushed Connor away, putting some space between us.

"Sorry" I said to him, looking into his confused face. "Can you take me home?" I asked when I saw Justin make a quick exit.


When I got home, I just sat on the sofa. I felt confused. Justin looked so hurt, but I didn't even know him that well. I liked Justin, and Connor, but I didn't like either of them more than friends. Justin was attractive, and for some reason I couldn't stop thinking of Justin's face when he saw Connor kissing me. He looked heart broken.

I looked at my phone. 2 missed calls from Alice, 1 missed call from Maddie, also a text from Josh and a text from Connor.

Hi. Sorry if I took it too far with the kissing thing- I just kinda thought you liked me. I don't know, maybe I was picking up the wrong signals. Still friends right?

I switched my phone off, I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. Well, anyone except from Justin. I dont know why, I just felt like I should explain myself. I wasnt the type of girl to talk to one guy, then kiss another. 

Shutting the door, and made my way down the street where Justin's car was parked outside. I'm guessing this is his house. I walked up the steps, and rang the doorbell. The door swung open, and Justin stood standing there.


Authors Comment.

Like always, please leave your comments and vote for my chapters! I put a lot of hard work into writing them, editing them, planning for the next ones (ect). I promise at around chapter 10, the story is written a lot more professionally. Keep with it!

 Please hit me with any constructive criticism you haveeeee

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