· People's Choice - Fanfiction ·

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Hello contestants, judges and readers alike!

It is time for the People's Choice Awards - Fanfiction Edition!

You, the people, will vote for the book you want to win the People's Choice award. How do you vote? It's very simple. All you need to do is make an inline comment on the book of your choice and simply post the word 'Voted'.

Once again for those in the back, make an inline comment of your book of choice and post the word 'Voted'.

Votes that are not inline will not be counted. You may only vote ONCE, we will be watching! You may also vote for your own book, but again, only once.

Note to judges: This is a special award and does not hinder or interfere with your own judging!

Deadline for voting: 31st of December (CLOSED!)


Vote below!

1) Oceans || Kit Harington - theGhostofHarrenha

2) The Lighthouse - KMDowning

3) ARROW | Henry Mills - KellyLangston58

4) The Fourth Potter - HermioneJG

5) Valour | Jaime Lannister - -boltons

6) Rachel Salvatore - katielou17656

7) Teens of Fazbear's: Days of Endless Sleep - Xx_Pink_Fashion_xX

8) Seeking Serendipity - shewroteherwords3

9) Their Legacy | Supergirl - VoidJack

10) Marked || Naruto - -MayaEm

11) Bring Me Back To Life - ultraviolet_death

12) Jennifer - GublerGlam

13) Sakura-sensei: Life Lesson - Entangled_Fate

14) Son of Mikaelson - SpntvdtoCrossover

Good luck to all the contestants!

- The Shadow Team

The Shadow Awards | CLOSED |Where stories live. Discover now