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Hammer blows on a farmhouse door. The fist heavy, just like the man who owns it. A well-dressed servant of the fiefdom who's station within the village has apparently afforded this rotund gentleman plenty of meals laced with wine and treats. The individual stands imperiously slamming his fist against the oak of the farmhouse door, his voice is loud and nasally like what one would imagine a pig would sound like if it could walk upright.

"I swear Geralyn if you do not open this door I'll come here with the palace guards and have them break it down! I know you are in there!"

Again the well dressed fat man bangs on the portal barrier, the sheer exertion causing sweat to run down in rivulets along his round pudgy face and neck. The action making his whole body jingle from the multitude of rings and trinkets he wears along with the large canvas of colorful clothing he uses to cover his tremendous frame.

"Last warning Geralyn. Open this door now or face the inquisitor by tomorrow. I can promise you..."

There is a sound from inside, a door latch coming undone. The sound of the locking bar being raised and set aside, the whimper of a female heard within before the door slowly slides open.

"Please Zerkin, you know I have no coin. I can barely feed myself and tend what little crops do grow here. My barn is empty, I have no animals... I have nothing to give for the tax man."

Zerkin, the tax collector, stands over the smaller woman imperiously. Enjoying, like all bullies, the position of power over another. "Not. My. Problem." The Fat Man spat "You are way behind in taxes, way behind. If you can not pay... then I will have no choice but to petition the judiciary to take hold of your family's land."

Another whimper as Geralyn almost visibly shrank at the threat. "No... it's all I have. Please..." the Farm Girl's breath comes in a hiccuping gasp as if she is having a panic attack right there on the spot. Zerkin's smirk is wide and unashamed, enjoying the distress he is causing in the Woman. "What would you have me do!?" Geralyn begs. "What would become of me... if I lose all that I have!?"

"Get ahold of your senses woman." Zerkin scolds. "You have options. You just have to... embrace them." The leer of the tax collector is obvious, as he looks over the Girl barely into her womanhood as if she was a piece of meat. Geralyn takes an involuntary step back but the obese town Solicitor reaches a thick hand out and grabs her by the collar roughly.

"Now you see here. You should have taken a husband months ago, but for some reason, you chose to try to manage this farm on your own after your parents died. That was stupid. Anyone could see you had no idea what you were doing... look at this place!" Zerkin points around at the shambles that might have once been a functional farmstead. "You're just a stupid woman who keeps making stupid mistakes! And you are about to make another one!"

"I...I.. can't... w..with. you... I .." Geralyn tries to pull away, her body shivering with fear and God's knows what else. "I.. don't love you."

"Love!?" Zerkin Laughs, "Love... you are saving yourself for Love!?" The Fat Man shoves the Farm Girl sending her sprawling to her knees. "Stupid, stupid little Girl!" The Tax Collector bellows as he holds his belly and jiggles unsightly in his mirth. "What do you think is going to happen after you lose your farm and your stomach is empty. Where do you think you will end up!? I'll tell you..." Zerkin points. "On your filthy knees, like the wretch you are... and you'll not worry about love then. You'll fuck just to keep from starving."

"Stop it... please." Geralyn cries, tears running down her face.

"Stupid little Girl. If you have to be a whore, why not do it now and save your farm..." Zerkin salaciously advised, his hand going down between his legs grabbing at his crotch. "Why give yourself away when it won't matter..."

Geralyn sobs, her breathing rapid. "You won't take my farm? Right... if I do it, you won't take it?" She Whisper.

"Not today. At least not today."

Geralyn isn't stupid, she understands what this means. How this will not be the first time, the only time she would have to make this sacrifice. Something inside her threatens to break, some part of her is about to die. The Farmgirl's mouth opens to answer, but she can't form the words that she knows will doom her...

Then she doesn't have to. For then there is a sound that doesn't bode well. A sharpness to it that causes Zerkin to cry out for a second before a garbled wheeze of breath is heard. Just as Geralyn turns around to look over her shoulder, the large Tax Collector shudders as blood wells up from his mouth as his body vibrates as if something is strumming the man's very life thread. Then Zerkin is gone, as something dark and massive, shrouded and terrifying pulls him from the farmhouse doorway.

Geralyn screams and scrambles to the edge of the opening, peering out and to the left. Something drags the Tax Collectors body into the barn, disappearing inside. The Farmgirl stares in abstract horror; her hand moves and slips on something wet. The Woman looks at her palm and screams again as her eyes follow the trail of blood that the Fat Man left behind as he was snatched away. Geralyn grabs the large wooden brace and slams the door to her farmhouse closed, the only sound inside is the door being barred from within.

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