Still Love Him

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Tae laid on the bed of his hotel room in Japan and scrolled through the pictures in his phones gallery. He would stare at each one lovingly before moving on to the next. 

Tears fell from his eyes with every memory the photographs represented. He still couldn't believe that it was really over, and he had no one to blame but himself. 

He missed Jungkook so much.

So many times he thought about approaching him, about apologizing and begging his forgiveness but every time his courage would desert him.

It was so hard pretending everything was fine between them when in reality he was heartbroken and a little depressed. 

A fan had shouted out 'Vkook'  at one of their concerts and he had to fight not to break down as he forced himself to smile and wave, along with Jungkook, in the fan's direction, Jungkook standing so close that if they turned their heads toward each other their lips would touch. 


He reached under his bed and pulled out a plushie of a chibi Jungkook dressed in a cute bunny onesie that a fan had made and given him not too long ago and held it tightly to his chest as he curled into a ball and cried for the hundredth time since the break up.


Namjoon and Jin began to worry as their knocking on Tae's hotel room door went unanswered. 

Namjoon spotted a housekeeper a little ways down the hall and immediately flagged her down.

"Excuse me, but would you mind opening the door? It's our brothers room and we're worried that he isn't answering."

The old woman, familiar with the sweet  polite boys, opened the door without hesitation. 

"Thank you."

Both boys bowed respectfully to the woman before entering the room. 


They found Taehyung in bed, curled on his side, back to the door, softly crying into something he hugged tightly to his chest. It was obvious he was too lost in his sadness to notice they were in the room. 

Jin didn't hesitate to climb onto the bed and cuddle close to the distraught boy, Tae wasting no time in turning into Jin's embrace, seeking his comfort. Jin let the boy cry on his chest without a word, silently stroking the boys hair. It was something he was used to as he did the same for Kookie almost nightly.

As Jin cuddled Tae, Namjoon took a seat on the small armchair situated close to the foot of the bed quietly watching Tae with worried eyes.

"I still love him." Tae whispered into the silence.

"And he still loves you." came Jin's soft reply.

"I don't deserve him."

"That's for his heart to decide Taehyung. Don't let your fear and uncertainty take that decision away from him."

Wise words from a wise leader. Now it was up to Taehyung to find the courage to heed them.

Letting His Heart DecideTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon