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Okay, so I know I haven't been the best author-chan as of late. I'm sorry.

But can I just say.....

10K 10K 10K 10K!!!!!!!!


How?! Why?!

You guys are the best people on the entire earth! I literally could not have done it with out you. 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖😘😘😘😘😘

So in honor of this *drum roll please*

I will be doing a question chapter.

Meaning that you can ask the characters questions about anything (be careful 😒).

I will answer questions that you can ask me about my interest in other fandoms (there are many).

Comment any questions you may have for the characters or me.

Bye loves! *waves a lucky fin goodbye* 🐟🐠😘😘💖💖 (10K 0_o)

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