Imagine- Ponyboy

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You were knew in Tulsa. Just moved from Montana so it was a given that you'd get lost in your new school. As you look at the map of the school and your schedule at once you bump into someone causing your books to fall as well as theirs.

"I am really sorry about that." you apologize as you see the person you knocked down. A boy with greased back hair and brown eyes looking at you. You blush knowing you have just made a fool of yourself infront of a cute boy (something I do on a daily basis).

"You're ok. I don't mind bumping into a cute girl." he said smoothly as you blushed harder. You both got up with him giving you a hand.

"What's your name?"


"Pretty name. Not as pretty as you though. I'm Ponyboy."

"Nice name." you giggled.

"I like it too." he was about to say something else when the bell rang.

"Dang! Well see ya around Y/N!" he said running off to class.

"Bye." you said in a hushed tone. This move was so worth it.


Here is another imagine since you all voted and commented. Hope you like it! Bye loves! *waves a lucky fin goodbye* 🐟🐠💖💖😘😘

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