[2] A Breathless Death

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A Breathless Death

"Go fetch your damn things and go to your rooms! Keep it decent!" Our department head announced through the megaphone, making everyone wince. I could only sigh as I grabbed my backpack from the side of the bus, trying to weave through the other students who were doing the same. I could only shake my head, hating the fact I still had to go to this damn trip after all. The head said that whoever that wouldn't attend the field trip would have to do a 30-page assignment and an oral report of all the lessons tackled for the whole semester. Absolutely cruel and honestly should  be illegal, so I had no choice but to go.

So in order to cope up with this unfortunate turn of events, I've come up with the plan to just lock myself up in a room as much as I can for three whole days. However, Amber seemed to have different plans as she'd been talking nonstop in the bus earlier about the exciting things she wanted to do for the whole duration of the trip.

"Sooo, are you going to room with Huang ZiTao?" She wiggled her eyebrows as she flung an arm around my shoulder, nodding towards a certain direction. I followed her gaze and saw a flock of students coming out of the other department's bus not too far from where we were, and being the tall person he was, I immediately saw Tao. He was already laughing with his other famous friend, whom I remembered as Kris.

"That's ridiculous. You know they wouldn't let that." I scoffed. "Plus, I already planned on rooming with you." She scrunched up her face.

"Ugh, you're boring." She clucked her tongue and shook her head as she gave me a pitiful look. "Maybe you should work on your seducing skills, Han Seol."

I just rolled my eyes at her, and she ruffled my hair, laughing. We followed the trail of students already going into the hotel, and once the faculty had settled our check in, we were finally assigned our rooms and given our respective key cards. We were allowed to choose our own roommate long as it isn't the opposite gender, in which Amber was completely disappointed because she seemed too determined to ship me with Tao despite of my attempts to make her let go of the idea.

Once we were given the go signal to proceed to our rooms, Amber and I headed to room 305 at the third floor. As we walked along the hallway, I noticed that the boys and girls didn't have separate floors, so of course, the girls-only-boys-only roommate rule would surely not be followed, and I doubt the faculty would even bother check. Hence, a lot of obscene things will definitely happen tonight (and the following nights) and I was already shivering at the idea of waking up in the middle of the night to obscene sounds coming from the other rooms.

As we finally reached our door, Amber immediately flung her luggage at one corner, and started changing into a t-shirt and swimming shorts, not even sparing a second to stop and rest. 

"You're swimming already?"

"Are you kidding! Everyone is going! And I should be asking you why the hell you aren't going but anyway you still wouldn't come because you can't swim so I'll just see you later at dinner, ok?" She flashed a sarcastic smile as she snapped her swimming goggles at her head before running out of the room. I rolled my eyes. Even if I do can swim, I still wouldn't be going anyway.

The door opened again and Amber's head popped in. "Oh, and can you toss me my phone? My mom will give me a call to make sure I'm still sober by evening. Around 9 or 10 I guess? So if ever I'm still not back by then, go check on me by the pool. She'll kill me if she finds out I'm drunk! You know the drill."

I sighed and rolled my eyes as I tossed her the phone. She squealed and blew me a kiss before slamming the door shut, the sound of her excited stomps eventually disappearing down the hallway. I stood up to look out the window and realized that the pool was visible from here. I almost thought that was a good thing, because I can keep track on Amber while she's down there, but as soon I saw Tao's familiar figure walking around, shirtless, with girls in bikinis trailing after him, I concluded that it wasn't a good thing. I knew it.

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