Western Heartbreak

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Dude Ranch somewhere in Utah, after dinner.

Alyss finished cleaning the last of the tack, and stood up, her knee's popping. First day here and I get picked to clean tack.. what a wonderful way to start the day, she thought wryly to herself. She grabbed the bridles she had been cleaning, and put them on their proper hooks. Yawning, she thought about the next days schedule. They were busy from dawn till dusk, but she hoped her boyfriend Kevin would finally get the guts to propose. She knew he had wanted to, his behavior these past few weeks had been suspicious. At first she thought that something was going on between her boyfriend and best friend, but dismissed the idea quickly. Kevin would never do that to her, and neither would her best friend, Jody.

She took a final glance around the barn, and determined that everything was in order, to her untrained eye. She turned the lights out, and started walking to the cabin she shared with her boyfriend and best friend. There wasn't any space to share a bed, so She had quickly claimed a top bunk, while the other two claimed bottom bunks. She still wondered at them taking the beds on the bottom, they always took top beds if the option was there.. She shrugged off her thoughts, and took off her boots before opening the door. It didn't make a sound, something she noticed in the heavy silence.

Then, she heard a giggle, and a bed squeaking. I sure hope Jody hasn't found a new boyfriend yet, she thought, disgusted. Her friend was very sweet, but went through boyfriends every week. None lasted more then a week. In bed by monday, and gone by saturday, she thought, wrinkling her nose. Looking around, she realized the cabin was empty except for Jody's closed door. 'I wonder where Kevin is.. probably partying with the cowboys,' she mused.  

She looked around, and realized she didn't have any clothes for the night, they were all behind the closed door.

She groaned, and took a deep breath. It wasn't going to be pretty. She knocked on the door, and called out, "Cover up! I'm coming in, dressed or not!" There was a shriek as she opened the door, and she went straight to the dresser, pulling out pajamas for the night. "Jody, seriously? couldn't this have waited?" she called out sarcastically. She turned around, and was about to leave the room when she noticed something familiar about the clothes discarded on the floor.  

Her eyes slowly widened, and she looked at the bed. Her best friend was looking at her wide eyed, while the guys head was covered with a pillow.  

She slowly drifted over to the bed, and pulled the pillow away. The person in bed with her best friend was.. her boyfriend of three years.

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