Recon: Day 1

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July 12th 10:52 a.m

"You look like hell." Avery told Ashley as she dragged her feet slowly into the station off the elevator.

"I tried sleeping when I got home and I just couldn't. I'd rather be here working on this case anyway. Did we get that evidence log?" She asked him as they walked towards their offices. "Wait were you waiting at the elevator for me? How'd you even know I was on my way up here and is that coffee for me?" She asked, pointing to the cup of coffee in his hand.

"That's a lot of of questions, Davies. Yes, no, I'm good like that, and hell no." He replied quickly, taking a sip of the coffee for good measure.

"Well you're a crappy friend." She pouted and then yawned.

"You really gotta start trying to get some sleep Ashley, you can't be at your best like this."

"Crime never sleeps, apparently neither does The Clown Face Killer so I'm not sleeping either." She shrugged.

"We found the last Vic on Monday. That's only two days in between kills this time, do you think we should be expecting another body soon?" Avery asked as they arrived at their offices.

"I'm not sure what he's doing anymore. He's taking women and faster, killing them faster than he usually does and I don't have a single shred of evidence to point me towards the reason why or who this guy is." Ashley sighed as she turned to go into her office. She looked on her desk and saw a large coffee with her name on it from her favorite coffee spot down the street. "Three creams, two sugars, one splash of coconut milk, and some vanilla and cinnamon sprinkled on top." Avery said with the biggest smile on his face.

Ashley took a sip and moaned at how good it was. She took another long sip before turning to look at him. "Seriously, how in the hell did you know that I was coming in now? I didn't even know I was coming in now." She narrowed her eyes at her colleague.

"A man never reveals his secrets." Avery smirked and winked at her.

Ashley shook her head and as she drank some more of her coffee. She pulled her seat out from under the desk and sat in it. She noticed that the evidence log was not on her desk.

"Avery, I thought you said the-" She turned to see him holding out a file for her in the doorway.

"Don't ever say that I don't know you Davies." He said with an arched brow and then made his way back over to his office. "So how are you and the mystery girl from the phone call earlier?"

Ashley leaned back to look at him after placing both the file and the coffee on her desk.

"I will not be discussing my love life with you Avery. Remember Janet?" Now it was Ashley's turn to arch a brow.

Avery burst into laughter, laughing so hard he was having trouble catching his breath. "That was not my fault Davies. She was weird before I pointed it out, you just never noticed."

"Yeah and thanks to you that was all I could think about when I was with her. Do you know how hard it is to concentrate on a person when all you can think about is how one of their ears is bigger than the other one and their eyes have just a little too much space between them?" Ashley asked seriously.

These were things that Ashley had never noticed about the girl she'd been dating for a couple of weeks... that was until Avery so politely pointed them out one day. And from that day forward it was all Ashley could think about. So she broke it off with poor Janet. Who was as confused as ever about why ended things. Ashley had to give some lame excuse about the case being way too important to attempt to start something serious with someone at the time.

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