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"Kaylene, dear, it's time for supper!" a voice echoed as the little girl gazed upon the creature. It's bright eyes pierced into hers, as they gaze into each other's soul. It growled, but in a soft way as if trying to communicate. she took a step closer when suddenly a flash of gold, blue, and fiery red blocked her. The colours danced around her, whispering tales and legends of the unknown world. The child, shocked and amazed began to stare at awe as the colours moved from one place to another, creating a whisper effect every time it moved. She reached her hand out again, to only find the colours spread, avoiding her touch. They merged to form figures as if telling a story in the most creative way possible. A lulaby was heard as the colours spread and merged, a tune of serenity and peace, and a voice as soft as silk began to sing.

Hush ye, my bairnie

Bonny wee lammie

Routh o' guid things

Ye shall bring to your mammie

Hare frae the meadow

deer frae the mountain

Grouse frae the moorlan'

And trout frae the fountain.

Hush ye, my bairnie

Bonny wee dearie

Sleep! come and close the een

heavy and wearie

Closed are the wearie een

rest ye are takin'

Sound be yer sleepin'

And bright be yer wakin'

The creature, who was standing majesticly at the rift, eyed the girl in amusent. It could see something special in this child, something worth risking life. 'She is indeed a rare speciment' it thought.

"Kaylene! Honey?" a voice rang as the tune and colours disappeared startled by the voice itself. The creature too started to disappear into the trees. "Oh my, look at you! You know you shouldn't play in the woods at night, you don't know what kind of creatures live in this area! Come on dear, let's have supper" a gentle voice warned the girl as gentle hands cupped her face. "Yes mommy", the little girl said as she held the older woman's hand. And as they started walking the litte girl coldn't help but turn back one last time to see a pair of shining eyes between the trees. "What is it, Kaylene?" the mother asked. "Nothing", she said as they went back home.

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