" Why you had to do this? "

Start from the beginning

I could bet that was Klara so I smiled and I was ready to go fast. Brett wanted to come too but when I gave him to see the message, he let me go alone.

I was ready to see my best friend. Considering that the coffee bar was near my apartment it didn't take me a lot of time. A few meters and I finally arrived.

My eyes were searching for Klara as I came in, but they didn't find her. I sat in my old place and order a coffee when I heard a familiar voice coming from behind.

" I'm sorry but that's my place. "

I turned around and I couldn't believe who I'd just seen. A very tall boy with beautiful brown eyes and a soft smile on his face as I remember.

" Shawn? "

" Can I sit here? "

"Klara will come soon so.. "

" Why do you think she'll come? Because of the job conversation? Well, she won't. "

" Wait, what? Oh my God, oh my God Shawn. That was your idea, wasn't it? "

" We need to talk to Emma. I don't want to make you in trouble so I needed to do this. Now, tell me what you've told me on the phone. "

My whole body started shivering and I just didn't know how to say that to him but the moment I saw Brett sitting far away from us and drinking, well I guess, a beer I immediately jumped from my chair.

" Oh my God. "

" What? Why did you jump? "

" I'm sorry I need to go. "

Shawn didn't know what Brett looks like and I didn't give him a chance to pay attention to him so I immediately looked away. He grabbed my hand and didn't let me go.

" Emma, please, we need to talk. I know that you didn't mean what you said because I know you. "

I moved my hand very fast and I couldn't watch into his eyes anymore.

" You can't know me that well. We were hanging out only for a few months. "

He insisted that I tell him what was going on and I only could feel the tension that was growing every next minute. I knew I need to end this when Brett sent me a message.

" End this now, or you know what'll happen. "

I was so scared, not for myself but him. For Shawn.

" Emma, do you think I believe Maria? If you're angry because of that I'll just tell you again. I don't believe her. "

" Well, you should've believed her. Because of what she said, it's all true. "

" What are you talking about? "

" I'm not good for you. And I'm not the person you thought I am. "

My head hurt a lot and I was very close to falling there, in front of him. I put my hand on my head and closed my eyes for a second when I was about to fall but I didn't because Shawn catch me. Or I can say he just held my hand because I leaned on a bar.

" Emma, are you okay? "

" I am. "

" No, you're not. What's going on with you? "

Brett saw everything and I could see that he was worried about me telling Shawn what happened. I didn't want to make more problems.

Cunning Brett. How fast he ran to me when he heard what Shawn asked me... He hugged me and acted worried.

" Emma, I told you not to go out in that condition. "

Shawn just looked at him and made one step away from us. I needed him so bad but he didn't know that. He didn't know anything. He had his angle of observation.

" Don't you see she's not okay? So why are you insisting on something that's not your business? And how many times do I need to tell you that WHATEVER HAPPENED BETWEEN YOU TWO IS OVER? She doesn't even like you. Mind your own business. It'll be better for you. "

I could see Shawn's face when Brett told him this

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I could see Shawn's face when Brett told him this. He couldn't hold on without saying anything. He was getting closer and closer to us and I thought he'll tell something to him, to Brett, but then he broke my heart.

He looked deeply into my eyes. Tears started running down my face before he even said anything.

" Why you had to do this Emma? I believed you, and you? You're just like Rachel. I don't see the difference between you two. "

" I wish... "

But he didn't let me finish my sentence. He angrily left and left me with this jerk who could kill me right there from his rage. And that was the worst goodbye ever. I wish he knew what I've been through. I wish he could understand. I needed him. But when I lost him, nothing made sense anymore. 

And sometimes when you need them, they are never there for you. :)

NEED YOU - SHAWN MENDESWhere stories live. Discover now