Chapter 19

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*Vanessa's p.o.v*

"Harry I told you for the hundredth time I forgive you now be quiet." I said getting frustrated as we walked onto our plane. "Then why will you not go out with me again." Harry wined. "Because I just cain't." I shrugged as I passed where Harry and Caitlyn will be sitting. "Um our seat is right here." Harry said clearly confused.

"No you and Caitlyn are sitting there." I said leaving him behind to find mine and Zayn's seat. I didn't realize, but my new seat is just one seat behind on the other side of the isle to where Harry and Caitlyn will be sitting. "Hey babe."Zayn said kissing my cheek as he sat down beside me. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Harry shoot him a glare and Caitlyn sat beside him shooting me a death glare.

"Hey so how did Caitlyn like the switched seats?" I asked laughing a bit. "She was pissed, but she didn't see the ticket change until you sat in her seat." He said laughing. I smiled and put my head on his shoulder knowing it was going to be a long flight. He put his arm around me and I fell asleep after we got in the air.

"Vanessa wake up we just landed." Zayn whispered in my ear. I yawned softly and opened my eyes. I slowly get up, get my luggage, and followed Zayn to get in the taxi we already called. We all get in the van taxi and it drives us to our dorm. I get out first and decide to take a nap before I unpack all my clothes and stuff I brought back. Maria decides to also take a nap just like me.


I was up and decide to go ahead and unpack my clothes. I unpack all of my bags and someone nocks on my door. I sigh and open the door reviling Harry. I roll my eyes at him and asks what he wants. "Babe please I am so sorry. Please take me back I can treat you better then Zayn can and he doesn't love you like I do." Harry says desperately. I sigh and shake my head.

"I cain't Harry I'm sorry." "Why not?" Harry asks sadly. "You broke my heart and I found someone to heal it. You need to face the fact that Zayn might not love me like you do, but he will not break my heart like you did." I told Harry as I try to shut the door. "Fine I don't want to date a slut like you anyways." Harry says as he finally let me close the door.

I run back to my room, locked my door, and start to cry in my pillow. "Vanessa are you okay?" Maria asked as she nocked on my bedroom door. "No just leave me alone please." I said just loud enough for her to hear. "Don't cry please Harry is just being a douche don't pay attention to him." Maria says trying to calm me.

"It's not that, just please leave me alone I will explain everything when I am in a better mood." I said hiding in my covers. I heard her sigh in defeat and leave to do who knows what.


"Hey there slut." My ex-friend said pushing me against the lockers. "Ryan what do you want now." I sighed. "I just wanted to see how you and your little boyfriend are doing." He smirked like he knew something I didn't. "We are doing just fine." I said. "I'm not so sure about that." Ryan laughed.

I looked at him confused and all of the sudden he kissed me. Someone gasped in shock and Ryan pulled away smirking again. I turned my head to see my boyfriend standing there. "It's not what it looks like Mike." I said.

"I should have listened to Ryan when he said you where a slut." Mike said as he ran off leaving me heartbroken. Ryan started laughing and I slapped him as I ran off crying.

After that happened in high school I told myself I would never have a boyfriend so they wouldn't break my heart. When I saw Harry I got my confidence back and got over what Ryan and Mike called me. Now all I can think of is what happened back in high school. I never even got to tell Mike that Ryan was the one who kissed me.

I don't think he would have listened anyways. I wipe away a few of my tears and tell Maria what happened in Paris.

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