I know

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Episode 35

Mitch felt at the wall where it looks like a dor. He tried to push it bu tit didnt open, and he tries to pull it, and it still doesn't opened.  There isn't a handle, so there's no way he can pull it!

There's got to be a way to open this! Mitch thought to himself as he sinkks to hte floor of the rocky corridorridor. Suddenly, the wall gives way behind him! He realized he hadleaned on the door byh accident, but it was moving!!!

A bRIGHT light pours into the cavern and mitch Couldn't see for a coupe seconds... He stood up and saw green grass all around him! It was like a mineature pair of dice!!! He took a couple of steps in and realizes that it isn't miniature at all! it's really big and he can walk all over it. Suddenly, he smelleds barbecue?

"AVI!!!!" he yelles. Suddenly, a pixie-like woman steps out in front of him and said, "Who are you?"

"I'm... my name is Mitch. I'm looking ofr my friend, Avi," he replies, cautiously. 

The woman took a step back. "Your voice... it's so... high........................"

"I'm aware," mitch replied.

"No, that's not a bad thing....sorry....we're just... not......... used to............... men with high voices..... down here........."

"Who's we? Where am I, if you wouldn't mind telling me."

"My sisters and I.... this is the basskingdom....."

"God did I hit my head on the way down here? What the hell is happening?!" Mitch treis to pinch hismelf to wake up but nothin g changed... He wasn't dreaming and he knows it. "What's a basskingdom ?"

"It's where deep-voiced mnen go.... and they live here with us.... to celebrate their vocal prominence and achievement in bassness..."

Mitch ponders this vfor a moment. "Then how did i ge t in?"

"I'm just as confused as you............................the only exception is....oh. You're the one......"

"Which one? What am i?"

The woman yelled somethi gn in a no th er lan guage, and suddenly, more sisters start to appear all around him in a circ le. They all llook very simular, with similiar faces and haircuts and bo dytypes, just with differe nt hair colr and comleckshin.

He says, "Can I ask what's going on righgt now?"

Suddenly, one by 1, the pixie ladyes started to bow befour him! Mitch starts to step back, but he realizesd that there all in a big circle around him extending for dozens of feed in all directin s. All of them are wearing loin clothes like primitive neanderthals or soemtghing, but hey're not, obvisously!

"Excuse me!" He kinda yells, and all the ladyse bow down even further, as though tey are submitting to him! "Can someone PLEASE tell me what is happening? SOmeone? please? stand up and tel me. I'm only looking for my friend avi. I... I need to see him. is he even here or am i wasting my time?"

A lone pixie women begins to stand. She levitates over her sisters and landed right in front of Mitch Grasssi.

"You're here, Mitch. Only the most elite of basssses are allowed down here. Only they have the abilityu to enter. But you're here. You're the one, sir. You are... the one."

"Okay, y'all, i'm gonna ask one more time politely. Which one? What am I and what's going on here?"

"You are The One, Mitch. Legend states that there is one tenor so powerful that he himself is a gift from the heavens to this earth and able to access a place such as this. Legend aslso states that he is the king of music and has control over all of us at once. Down here, each bass geets assigned to one sister whom he can 'control', or so he thinks, but you can attculally control us. You are our leader. You have power over all music and all kingdoms between earth and the heavens." She bows to one knee before him.

"Okay, please stand up. All of you, stand up, please. I don't want to stay here. I want  to find Avi. Is he hedre? please? is he here, that's all i want to kno w."

No one said anything for a few moments.

"Fine, I command you to tell me." Mitch is done playing games. If he can control these women, he was going to control them.

All at once, a resounding "Yes, he's here," was spoken by all of them simultaneously at the exact same time.

"Where is he?" Silence again. "TELL ME WHERE HE IS RIGHT NOW."

All of the women stand up and make a path, pointing ina direction. 

"One of you take me to him. Please." The one who knealted before him stood up. She seems to be the laeder. "What's your name?"

"Samantha, sir."

"Oh, don't call me sir. Please, just call me Mitch. I just want to find Avi. It's literally the only reason i came down here."

"Okay, Mitch. I'll take you to him. He might look a little different, just to warn you."

"Why?! Was he hurt? Did he get hurt when he fell down here?"

"No, he wasn't hurt... there are just... there are things you don't know about the basskingdom."

"Well, obviously. I've been here for ten minutes. I know virtually nothing about this place."

"He might look a little weak, that's all."


"Ummm... i'm sure he'll explainm it to you. You might not want to hear it from me... everything will be okay once you get him out of here."

"Are you hurting him?!? I swear I will hurt all of you if you are."

"No, we're not hurthing him purse say... Just... go inside and he'll explain things." They had reached a house. Mitch assumes avi is inside.

He opened the door and stepped inside. "Av-" his voice is cut off by something stabbing into his lung from behind. 

A horrified Avi steps out from behind the door horrifiededly.  "Mitch?! NO!"

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