Chapter 16: Truth Be Told

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Sebastian never went back home again.

After confessing to me about his past, he was sure of himself that he doesn't want to go back to his place until Sean moves out. He only went back to his house when he took all of his stuff. Sebastian's mom was furious but she couldn't do a thing because she respects his decision and she's still hoping that his son will come back. Currently, he is staying in our place. Specifically, at our guest's bedroom. My adoptive parents were generous enough to adopt him for a while after finding out about his current family status. Dan even jokingly said that Sebastian is Raven version 2.0.

It has actually been a month already since Sebastian confessed to me about his mental illness. I'm not sure if he's already fine because I couldn't tell anymore if his smiles are genuine or just a mask that he's wearing.

"Prom is fast approaching and we should definitely look for gowns before the stores ran out of good gowns to wear." Claire said. She's the head of the prom coordinating team and she's the most excited among us all. She isn't running for prom queen but it excites her attending prom because it'll be the last prom we'll ever have in our high school life.

"I think Sebastian and I aren't going to attend prom. It's just too much you know?" I said. I told Claire about Sebastian's situation and honestly, it made her understand why Sebastian can be a little protective to me. They haven't even bicker for a month.

"What are you talking about, Raven? This is the last prom we'll ever have. Soon we'll be out of this town and we'll be going to college."

"I don't know, Claire. I think Sebastian isn't fine yet." Mom suggested Sebastian to meet her psychiatrist friend. We've met her once and she gave him some prescriptions but I'm not sure if he went back again.

"He'll be more depress if he's just going to stay in your house and talk about non-sense jokes with your dad." Well Sebastian and dad have been making jokes a lot. It cracks dad all the time when Sebastian talks about some classic jokes.

"I'm not sure, Claire. Maybe Sebastian and I will talk about it."

"Well you better talk to him soon because he's about to approach us." Claire and I casually pretended that we're talking about the new literature teacher.

"Combo pizza for my beloved Raven and as for sweet Claire Donovan, here's your garlic shrimp pizza." Sebastian looks at Claire's choice of pizza in disgust. He isn't a big fan of shrimp and garlic together. He sat down beside me. He looks famished. After weeks of talking about heading to the pizza parlour, we're finally here. "Now I can finally eat my pepperoni pizza."

"So Sebastian... do you want to know about the theme for the prom?" Claire asked.

"Do I look like I'm interested? I'm hungry." Sebastian nonchalantly said.

"Well if you're wondering, the theme is happily ever after and I want to see the two of you in prom." Claire snapped.

"I already attended prom last year and it was boring." Sebastian said.

"Well this prom isn't going to be boring because I'm the head coordinator." Claire said.

"You also coordinated last year's prom, Claire. It was pretty damn boring if you ask me." Sebastian said.

"No it was not! You were last year's king of prom, Sebastian! How could you say that!" Claire said.

"Enough already! After a month of getting along together, you guys are bickering again?" I said. I can't believe their fighting over prom. What a petty reason to fight. "This is not the kind of friendship I want for the three of us."

"I'm sorry, Raven. I'm just too stress because of the upcoming prom. There are so many things to do and it's getting in head." Claire apologetically said.

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