"And the hip-hop solo 'Do It To It' goes to Mackenzie. Congratulations."

Everyone stood up and shook Abby's hand. Except me. I hugged her and she hugged me. No one would belive it but Abby and I are such close friends. She whispered in my ear and told me she would be proud of me and no one would be better for 'Do It To It' to dance it. I didn't aswer.

While I was hugging Abby I looked a bit around. My eyes stopped at the window. I looked outside. It took me a moment to realize there was someone standing outside right in front of it. It was a boy, It was a boy with emerald  green eyes.

I shook my head.
"Abby can I have a short break? I need fresh air." I asked.

"Sure Mackenzie but just two minutes." I nodded and rushed through the hallway to the front door. I opened it.

"John, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Morning beauty. I was at my singing lessons and then I saw you." he said.

"Yeah morning, singing? Wow that's new." I answered.

"I can explain you later. But you at ALDC? Who are you?" he said shooked.

"I can explain you later." I smiled and he smiled back.

"Bye fuckboy!" I said.

"Bye fuckgirl" he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and went back inside. Once again trought the hallway
and back in the studio to the others.

We finished two of our group dances and started a new one called 'Boss Ladies'.
I liked it and gave my best to do it. Abby yelled after us to point our feets right or stretch our arms and legs more. She put Jojo at the front of the group.  When the lessons was about to end she called us and we sat down in a big circle
on the floor. She gave us a paper with the group dance list.


I heard a little shriek from Jojo. I could understands her she was at the top
of the group dance and this is a big chance to show Abby what she can and this was the list for the competition. I was excited too. Everyone grabbed their sports stuff and a gew people were leaving. I had to stay because of an interview.


Interviewer📷: You are?

Me👑: Mackenzie Ziegler.

Interviewer📷: Okay, did you get a solo today?

Me👑: Yes, I got the hip-hop solo.

Interviewer📷: Are you happy whith it?

Me👑: Yes, I love hip-hop.

Interviewer📷: What do you think about Jojo's solo?

Me👑: It's pretty cool and it's totally her thing.

Interviewer📷: Do you like the group dance?

Me👑: Of course, it's pretty cool.

Interviewer📷: And what do you think about the dancer list?

Me👑: I think they should change Brynn and Kendall and then Kendall and Chloe.

Interviewer📷: Why Mackenzie?

Me👑: Because Brynn is too good for the third line and Chloe is to bad for the
second line. Brynn schould be in the middle of line three because she is the only girl with blonde hair in this line so it would look better if she is in the middle and by the way I like Brynn much more than Kendall.

Interviewer📷: You better don't let her hear that.

Me👑: I'm pretty sure she will see it on TV. Am I right?

Interviewer📷: Of course you are Mackenzie. Thank you for the interview.

Me👑: No problem Sir.


I grabbed my stuff and went outside. Mom picked me up and we drove home. I pulled of my dance clothes and took a shower. Then I put on some new clothes. My prettiest bra and underwear, a white ripped high waist jeans and a tight khaki green shirt. I pushed the shirt into my jeans.

You look good Kenzie. He will like it don't worry.

I smiled and grabbed my bag with my key and some other stuff inside. I put on my Adidas Nmd sneaker and went outside the house through the streets to Johnny's house. I rang the doorbell and he opened. I went inside, not without to notice the fire in his eyes when he looked at me. I slowly put my bag and my coat away. I could just think about what would happen next.
And I was right.


oof ik which chapter comes next
it's gonna be so weird to edit that one ugh

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