Chapter 3: Britney x3

Start from the beginning

Bree: I've seen her once or twice before, she knows my face. But it's so hard to see with all the people standin' in the way, oh!

Marley looked so pissed! And Bree was just loving it. She was definitely trying to instigate something as she sang a little too close to her and danced in front of her. At least it was subtle, not like the times people liked to get in each other's faces. Kitty didn't seem to notice but I definitely did.

Kitty: Oh, oh, tell me have you seen her because I'm so, oh, I can't get her off of my brain

Bree: I just want to go to the party she gon' go. Can somebody take me home? 

Kitty and Bree: Ha, ha, he, he, ha, ha, ho

Before Bree got herself into a fight, I pulled her away from Marley's general area as I took the lead in the chorus again. It felt like it was much longer this time.

Bree: Oh, say what you want me

Kitty: Oh, but can't you see what I see

Bree: Oh, say what you want about me

I was glad that during the summer Bree wasn't completely against Marley because otherwise this would've been centered around their feud. Instead, this was a tryout number and it was safe as far as argument comes.

Julie: So tell me if you see her.

Bree: Let me know what she was wearing and what she was like

Julie: Cause I have been waiting here forever

Bree: Let me know when she going out

Kitty finally caught on to the glare exchange between Marley and Bree so she stepped in when Bree was supposed to sing.

Kitty and Bree: Oh baby baby if you seek Amy tonight, oh!

Bree did not like this. Great, now Bree and Kitty were glaring at each other and the tension was within the performance.

Kitty: Oh baby baby, we'll do whatever you like. 

Bree: Oh baby, baby, baby

Kitty: Oh baby, baby, baby

I tried to break the tension by reminding them that the song was still going but they just kept glaring at each other as they danced.

Julie: Lalala, lalalalala.  Lalala, lalalalala.

We finished the song without anybody fighting and the music ended. We were given applause and a standing ovation from Brittany.

"Fantastic!" Brittany exclaimed as she clapped for way longer than anybody else. "That was great girls. I didn't even know you three were all friends now but great! So thanks for the demo, but I hated it."

"Excuse me?" said Bree as Kitty said, "What?"

"Well, I can't choose when you're all in sync," said Brittany. "That was obviously rehearsed because only Quinn and Santana know how to read minds like that."

"We did a great job," Kitty insisted.

"Yeah, you did," Brittany agreed. "But I wanted to see who was the best. One person. Or what, did you all want to be the winners together?"

Kitty, Bree and I looked at each other. The three of us were great dancers. I had never really thought about which one of us was the best. I didn't want to think about that. They were my best friends.

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