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I grip the cash in my hands and grit my teeth. People stare at me but I brush them off and continue to storm down to the bank. I was doing the only thing my dad needed me for, his dirty work.

He started his business so long ago, I can't remember when. He was the reason for the split of my parents. He was the reason for my mother's death.

I clench my teeth and walk faster and faster, till I'm at the bank. I walk up to the woman at one of the counters. She was busy on the phone and didn't realize I was in front of her. I slam the large amounts of money on the counter and she flinches and quickly turns to me. Her eyes go wide and she quickly puts away the phone. I take my card out and the woman gets to work, depositing the money. I guess she's gotten used to me being here so many times, because she doesn't question me about how I have so much cash. Either that or she's just scared to talk to me.

I lean my back on the counter and look out boredly. I fiddle with my wallet and tap my foot while she finishes up and gives me my card. I ask where the bathroom is and she stutters while giving me the directions to the back of the bank.

I wash my hands and when I turn off the tap I hear loud voices and screaming.

"Everybody get down unless you wanna get shot!"

I freeze and my heart starts to pound. I hear two gunshot followed by the sound of falling glass. I go out and hide behind the corner of the wall. I see two young guys holding guns, with bandanas covering their face. I take my phone out and start recording. I try to steady the phone and zoom in on their faces but its hard to do this when my hands are so shaky. A woman behind the counter starts to throw stacks and stacks of hundreds at the boys and they pick them up greedily.

After what feels like hours of video taping, I hear the small sounds of sirens.

"Shit, run!"

They start to head towards the back of the building, towards me. One of them glares at me and my phone but ignores it and runs past me. I collapse and release the tension I didn't even know I was holding. Officers run past me to try to keep up with the criminals but everyone already knows they're too late.

They ask me if I'm okay and ask for my contact info but I give them a fake name and fake phone number. I look around and see that the thing the boys shot was the security cameras, so it couldn't pick up who the boys were. I stay back for a while to see what the police pick up from the guys but they found no trace of dna. I'm the only one with evidence. This crime scene relies on me.

When it's almost 5 pm I slip away and meet up with one of the buyers. He's scrawny, his eye bags are huge, and he looks like a picture of what a drug addict looks like. I take the small bag of my dad's famous edibles. He hands me cash and mumbles "keep the change". I shove it in my pocket and before I walk home I hear the guy say one more thing that sends chills up my spine.

"Don't do anything with the evidence, or you'll pay for it"

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