Chapter 18

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I wake up with something cold on my forehead. I quickly sit up and a throbbing headache hits me causing my eyes to shut from the pain. The cold thing lands on my lap. Someone’s hands push me back down, but I keep my eyes closed not wanting to see. What if I was captured by Sevals? I don’t think I can bear to see his face without crying. He ruined my life.

            “Kaleidoscope, you need to stay down!” Scorch’s voice warns me.

            My eyes flicker open and tears start to form in my eyes. Scorch hands me the icepack that had fallen onto my lap. I watch him walk out of the room in a hurry. I don’t bother asking why he’s leaving me because this feels so unreal. Am I dreaming? I look around at the room. Judging by the beds with wheels and the TV hanging from the ceiling and the curtain that could divide half the room, I’m pretty sure that I’m in a hospital.

            Suddenly, I hear people running towards my room. I freeze as two men come at me. One has dark blue hair and baby blue eyes. The other man has floppy black hair and golden eyes. I open my arms wide so they both can hug me.

            “Kaleidoscope!” Blade pushes Razor out of the way to hug me first.

            Razor pries Blade off me to hug me as well. “Thank God, you’re safe.”

            I pull them both into a big hug and say, “I missed you both too.”

I kiss both of their cheeks and lie back down. I stare at the guys that I left two years ago in awe. They have barely changed, but I can still see that they have. Blade has more confidence in his eyes and smile. His hair is longer and less blue, but it’s still cute. Razor’s eyes show the same care that they had before; something that shouldn’t ever disappear. His hair is right above his shoulders, but somehow he pulls off the look.

            Razor looks at Blade. “Go get her something to eat.”

            Blade stares him down, but does what he is told to when I add, “Please, Blade, I’m starving.”

            As soon as Blade walks out, Razor climbs onto the bed with me. His arms wrap around me instantly as if I’d run away from him. He smells just like he used to, and his embrace is just as warm as I remember. It feels like I never left. My eyes start to water again as the reality hits me that I am really home.

            “Razor, I’m sorry about how I left without telling you,” I say holding back my tears. “And so much has happened recently. Remind me to tell you everything later.”

            “I promise I will, and I’m sorry too.” He kisses my forehead and I sigh at the gentleness of it. “I shouldn’t have let you leave.”

            I look up into his perfect golden eyes and can’t help but to smile. I shut my eyes and lean in to kiss him, but I feel his hand under my lips. I open my eyes and my heart pounds. He can’t be seriously stopping me from kissing him, right? His eyes look at me with apology.

            “Kaleidoscope, I have to tell you-”

            “Razor!” screeches a small girl from the doorway.

            She storms over to Razor, rips him off the bed, and slaps me across the face. Razor pulls the girl away as she tries to smack me again. I sit back in shock of what just happened. Did she really just hit me?

            “Who is she to you, Razor?” The girl wails.

            Razor spins her around to look him in the eyes. For a moment, I’m jealous of how close he’s holding her and how he is looking at her. She sniffles, making me focus on her. She can’t be older than fifteen-years-old. Her black tank top is tight against her skin probably to show off her curves that she got last year. Her skinny jeans are slashed and torn. Her hair is short and black and she has dark hazel eyes. She looks scarily similar to me. I look to her feet and almost cry out in anger. She’s wearing my stilettos!

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