Chapter 3

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Staring up at the sky through the many cracks in the abandoned attic roof, I try to sleep. Not that I’m uncomfortable; this pillow and sleeping bag feel like a queen’s royal bed compared to squeezing my body under a vanity. My body lets me know that I am definitely tired, but I just lack the will to sleep. Something else is keeping me up; Razor.

            He is out there trying to play hero and doing who-knows-what. What makes him so mighty and invincible? I sit up absentmindedly touching my gun which is lying on the ground next to me. I will return his favor of “saving” me. I get up slowly and open the attic door. To my surprise the old door doesn’t squeak. Tiptoeing down the stairs I see someone walk in front of the bottom steps.

            “Blade,” My voice seemed to echo in the silent night.

            Taking off his sunglasses, which he shouldn’t even be wearing, and sliding them onto his shirt, he says quietly, “I can’t find Razor.”

            I smile even though my heart feels like it dropped into my stomach. “Well, then it’s good that I am up.” I shuffle past Blade and walk to the door. “It’s time for me to play ‘hero.’” I say with air quotes.

            Blade pushes himself in front of me in a split second. “This is not funny, Princess.” He grabs my arm, hard. I can almost feel a bruise coming on. It makes me wonder how he had treated other girls in his life. “Razor doesn’t ‘play’ hero,” he copies my air quotes with his other hand. “Razor is a hero whether he admits it or not! So do me a favor, Princess.”

            Looking away from his eyes, I roll mine. “Whatever you say.”

            His grip tightens, but my pride refuses to let myself flinch. “Razor has even saved you and you continue to act like a spoiled brat!” He gets in my face and I can smell the sweat and blood on him. I wonder how many men he’s killed. Through his teeth he whispers violently, “Don’t you ever take Razor for granted. He saved all of us, even me. Be grateful that someone even cares about you.” He throws my arm down as he walks out the front door, gun in hand.

            I follow him even though I rather lead the way. At first, I think of running the other way and going back to my hideout, but I know there’s no point in returning to where those guys will find me in a split second. Blade stops suddenly and looks over his shoulder at me. His glare is intimidating, but I have no reason to be scared of him, or at least I hope. I sigh as he continues walking without a word.            

            We reach the woods and someone drops from the trees above us. Ice puts his hand on my shoulder and gives me a weak smile. Has Razor saved him before too? I wouldn’t doubt it. I notice Ice has two guns tucked into his belt, almost out of sight under his vest. I turn my eyes back to the woods and look for any sign of Razor or escape.

            “Watch where you’re walking, Princess.” Blade spits at me as I walk into him.

            I mutter, “Sorry.” I have to focus.

            Ice puts his hand on my shoulder again and whispers, “Don’t mind Blade,” he waits for Blade to be out of hearing, “He’s really just a big teddy bear when you get to know him.”

            I take a long look at Blade. “Yeah, I don’t see it.”

            He takes his hand back as we keep walking. “Blade is rough around the edges. That’s why we call him Blade. When Razor found him, Blade was huddled in the trunk of a car in the dump. Blade had nothing except the clothes on his back and a blanket.”

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