Chapter 4: Moonlight

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We were hanging around in the living room, listening to music. All of the sudden, my song that I recorded myself and put on the Spotify app turned on. My cheeks went hot. Oh my god.

"Oh wow." He smiles.

"It's just- ah, something I recorded a while ago." My cheeks went red.

It was about to get to the chorus, and Justin knew. He stood up and grabbed my hand. I stood up with him and we stood in the part of the living room where there were no furniture.

I never knew, I never knew

I rested my hands on both side of his shoulders, Justin had his hands wrapped around my tiny waist. We moved side to side to the song.

You could hold moonlight in your hands

He grabbed my hand and I spun out from him. I spun back to him and continued slow dancing. We looked into each other's eyes.

Til the night I held you

This song was so important to me. It was about my first love. I rested my head on Justin's shoulder and closed my eyes. We continued moving side to side. I sighed and continued thinking. My first love. Fifteen years old. I still had my red hair and glasses. But he didn't date me for my looks. He dated me for my personality. His name was Jason. I wanted to change in looks and change up my personality a bit because I was childish. But he didn't want to see the girl I want to be. He used to get so frustrated over the smallest things. I gave my virginity to him. I gave it away. I want to take it right back because he betrayed me. He told everyone how I was in bed and everyone started to tease me. I broke up with him and write a song called "Jason's song" yep. My first song ever.

"Ariana." He says, "The song's been over for a minute. Why are you crying?"

"Oh. I was just thinking." I said, wiping my tears away.

"Hm." He says.

"Um, let's uh-

"Do you want to be alone?"

"No." I said.

Justin went to sit down on the couch. I stood there for one more minute. I went on the couch and laid down, resting my head on Justin's lap.

We just stayed there. Justin was playing with my hair. I was just distracted by my thoughts and the song that was playing.

Said he tried to phone me

But I never have time

He said that I never listen

But I don't even try

I got a new place in cali

Where I'm gone every night

So I fill it with strangers

So they keep on the light

I thought of Jason again. Damn. He really was a jerk. Jason affected me so much.

As She Pleases • Jariana StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora