Older Brother

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Chapter One

Emily's Point of View

My alarm clock said 5:00 on it's screen. "I'm up before the sun, this should just not happen" I thought. I groaned as I rolled out of bed and hopped in the shower, letting the hot water loosen my muscles. Even though it stung as it hit my recent scars on my thighs, it was still relaxing.

I got out of the shower and tried finding a nice outfit. My eyes lingered on this cute little black dress, but I knew I couldn't wear it without my scars showing. So I opted for the usual black skinny jeans and Black Veil Brides t-shirt. After fixing my makeup and hair, I ran downstairs to grab some breakfast before my father woke up.

I ran out the door just as I heard his shower running. Glad that I missed a confrontation with him this morning, I started my walk to school with Black Veil Brides blaring in my ears. I walked up to the school seeing my friend Cortney waiting for me like every morning. As I walked toward her, she smiled.

"Ready to go get gay-boy?" She asked with a smirk on her face.

"Hell yeah" I replied as we walked inside to grab our gay best friend Zach.

As we walked up the stairs my eyes found my ex boyfriend Noah in his usual spot. I tried not to let my eyes linger on him too much and looked away as soon as he looked up at me. I quickly walked up the stairs after that.

When I walked into the science room Zach was waiting for me and Cortney like usual and without saying anything he walked towards us and we left heading to first period.

I had math first today and it killed me. It was my worst class and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get any better. We had a quiz today and I surely didn't get a great grade, a C maybe but nothing higher. I walked to Spanish with Kevin like always and when I walked in I saw Will's smiling face.

"Hey friend" he stated excitedly, putting emphasis on the friend. He always did that. I used to give him a hard time, claiming he was only an acquaintance.

I said hello and sat down just as class started. It went by fast as always and soon enough I was heading to English. While walking, I got a phone call. "Who the fuck is calling me in school?" I muttered to myself as I looked at my phone. I stopped and my mouth fell open. It was my brother Chris. "Why is he calling me" I thought to myself and hit the ignore button and continued walking.

His call kept bugging me though. He hasn't called me in almost a year. We used to be close but then he left to be in his band and I was alone with our father. It wasn't entirely his fault, he didn't know what father did, I never told him. At lunch while I was sitting with my friends he called again, so this time I answered.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey sis, I haven't talked to you in forever" Chris started, "My band is in town on tour for about a week, I was wondering if I could stop by and see you?"

I paused before I answered. I wanted to see him yes, but I didn't want him to see the bruises and scars on my body.

Finally I answered him, "Sure Chris we can see each other... Meet at the park around 2:30?"

"Sounds great Em I can't wait to see you!" and then he was gone and I sighed. I needed to keep this from him. No matter what, he couldn't find out about me.

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