Chapter 41

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**Chapter 41**

Nicoletta lays on the bed, the paper crinkling underneath her body everytime she moves.

The big monitor had an X-Ray of her leg and Dr. Jones examined the picture.

"This right here," He says and points to an area around her knee. "This is her knee cap where she fractured it. As you can see it's healing perfectly. The rest of the leg is in perfect condition considering the time."

"So when do I get this stupid thing off?" Nicoletta asks, referring to the cast on her right leg.

"Well, that depends on your knee and if your bones are strong enough yet" He looks at the picture again. "I want to say maybe two weeks with the cast on still and then I will see if we can put your knee in a brace."

Nicoletta's heart starts to race. Two weeks and she might be able to walk properly again.

"If we put you in a brace I want you to set up a thearapy session so we can get your whole leg working properly the same way it was before you broke it." Dr. Jones says.

He flips the lights back on and smiles at Nicoletta and Arabella.

"I will see you both in two weeks time." He says and hands Nicoletta a bottle of Orange Juice.

All Nicoletta asks for when she comes to visit Dr. Jones is a bottle of Orange Juice, so Dr. Jones always has a bottle ready before she comes in.

Nicoletta screws the lid off and takes a sip. She sighs at the amazing sweet taste.

Dr. Jones smiles and nods at Nicoletta before leaving the room.

"I have to go fill out paperwork and set up your next appointment." Arabella says. "Dr. Smith will be right in for your ultrasound. Do you think you could start without me or do you want me to be here?"

Nicoletta shakes her head. "No, I think I can handle it on my own."

"Alright, because the paper work might take a bit."

Nicoletta nods her head. Arabella smiles at her and steps out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

Nicoletta looks at the ceiling. She was still in the same room that she had gotten her X-Ray done, all they would do was move the ulrasound equipment over and into this room, that way she didn't have to walk on her leg more than needed.

Nicoletta pulls out her iPhone from her pants pocket and looks at the lock screen. There is a picture of her, Kassidi, and Delilah all at Astrid's graduation party just four weeks ago. They are all huddled together in a big hug, with Delilah on the left, Nicoletta in the middle, and Kassidi on the right, they had Jace take the picture for them.

Nicoletta smiles at the picture, so much had happened that night, all the memories of the evening would stay with her forever. Nicoletta only wished that she could have skated with everyone, she had even gotten Jace out on the ice. Jace wasn't bad at all, he had it perfect once he got used to the skates. He was probably so good at it aince he could roller blade and surf, which meant he had the balance and stability to stay on his feet. His roller blading even helped him do some really cool tricks on the ice that even he didn't know he could do.

Nicoletta unlocks the screen and looks at a picture of her and Jace, taken just a week ago. Nicoletta smiles a goofy smile as Jace is kissing her cheek.

Nicoletta smiles at the picture. They haven't kissed since the night of graduation, which upsets Nicoletta but also relieves her. She doesn't want to ruin their friendship anymore than he does. So whenever things get heared up Nicoletta changes the subject or makes up an excuse to leave momentarily. 

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