New York (Part 2)

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Raven. I couldn't get her off my mind. Two years and the pain was still fresh. I remembered everything. The flames. The heat. The smoke. The detail on every brick in the building. We didn't bury her because we couldn't find her body. We assumed her body had turned to ashes just like everything else around. "Hey y'all!" Cyborg said. We were sitting on the couch and I was losing Mega Monkeys 4. He had fixed the DVD player to where I could put the disc in after the whole virus thing. "Dudes, we need a vacation!" I complained. In my mind it translated into "I need a break from thinking about Raven." "Where would we go?" Star asked. "I don't know...I heard they have great pizza in New York!" I said. Yup. I only wanted to go because of pizza. "Since no one objects, I guess it is the alright." Star said, looking at Robin. He merely smiled at her. Before I knew it we were headed to the airport.

I smiled as we exited the T-car. Sometimes it's nice to fly like normal people instead of the T-ship. Plus Cyborg just waxed it and he didn't want any scratches. We walked into the airport and decided to go to the gift shop so we could entertain ourselves on the plane. "Dudes! Look at this!" I exclaimed, seeing a comic series featuring us. I bought every issue they had so I could read it on the plane. I smiled as we boarded the plane, looking at the blue bird next to the American Airlines. We put our carry-ons in the compartment above us and took our seats. Robin and Star sat together. She had already fallen asleep, her head resting on his shoulder. Cyborg took up two seats, unable to fit in one seat alone. I sat alone, the seat next to me empty. I read the comics, blushing deeply.

Time Jump

We exited the plane, stretching our arms. New York. The Big Apple. We were finally here. We went to the nearest rental car shop and rented (to Cyborg's disgust) a minivan. "It's no T-car, but it will have to do." Robin said. "Cyborg, do you want to drive?" Star asked. "No way! I'm a one car man!" Cy exclaimed, obviously longing for his 'baby'. "Cyborg, we're in New York, and all you can think about I'd the T-car?" Robin asked, obviously aggravated. Cyborg grumbled something like 'If you're baby was at home and no one was watching it wouldn't you worry?' but he climbed into the driver's seat. "Hey guys, I could use some coffee." I said. We went to the nearest coffee shop which was called Get Me A Latte More! We walked into the shop and waited at the counter. "Hello, my name is Brenda, how may I help you?" A female voice (which apparently belonged to an employee named Brenda) said. The voice was so familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I saw her face, and my mouth (along with Robin's and Cyborg's) hung open. She had pale skin with a sky blue dress. She wore a small amount of mascara, though her lashes were long enough she didn't need it. Her amethyst eyes shone with delight, though something was off about her joy, as if it was fake. She had a single silver band on her wrist. Her hair, which was down to her waist, was a deep purple color. "May I help you?" Brenda asked, snapping of us out of our trance. She seemed so familiar, though I had never seen her before. We ordered our drinks and while Robin snapped out his daze and was now gazing at Star, Cyborg and I had not. "Garfield, Victor, your drinks are ready." Brenda called. I saw tears forming in her eyes, so I decided to tell her a joke. "Why did the cookie go to the doctor?" I asked her. "It was feeling crummy." Brenda said, her voice a whisper. "How did you know?" I asked. "I've heard that joke before." Brenda said, her voice still a whisper. We left the coffee shop, and I realized who Brenda reminded me of. Raven. I felt like I had been stabbed, thinking of her. While Brenda was beautiful, she could never replace Raven.

Sorry I took so long! If you can figure out why I chose the name Brenda for Raven, I will give you a shout-out in the next chapter! I still don't own Teen Titans, but I have captured a Teen Titan and will hold her hostage until A) I own Teen Titans and/or B) When the original Teen Titans comes back for a sixth season. Raven: So that's why I'm here?!? Me: Yes. Also, what do you think of my fanfiction? Raven: I think it's stupid. I will never love Beastboy and he will never love me. Me: YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS BECAUSE YOU DIDNT THINK OF IT SOONER!!! Anyhow, I'm going to keep her in this unknown location until one of the things above happens. If it doesn't happen, I will keep capturing more Titans until those things do happen.

Safe (BBxRae)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن