Saved from the Flames

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I jumped off the roof and desperately tried to save her. I couldn't save her no matter how hard I tried. "Aqualad, get to Jump City, now!" I said, getting Aqualad on my communicator. He nodded his head and began to swim. I heard a splash. That must have been Raven. I cried, knowing that from this height the impact of the water would've killed her. I let tears stream freely down my face, not caring anymore. "Hey BB, do you recognize her?" Aqualad said, showing me a rescued Raven. "Raven! I'm coming!" I hollered transforming into a bird. I thanked Aqualad and brought Raven to the infirmary. Though Aqualad saved her, she cut herself on something that looked like a piece of coral. I sat down in chair next to the infirmary bed and held her had. "Don't leave me Raven. I've gotten too far and I'm not going to loose you now." I said, stroking her hand with my gloved thumb. "Why didn't you let me die?" Raven murmured weakly. "I love you. I'll never leave you, so please don't leave me." I said. "Life is full of tough choices. It was a tough choice to forgive Terra, wasn't it?" I said. Raven nodded weakly. "It's tough to keep living when your emotions could kill people, isn't it?" I asked her and she nodded again. "But you'd emotionally kill us all if you didn't make the tough choice." I said. I kissed her forehead and walked away.

Time Jump

I looked out the window of the building and saw the flames below. I looked at Raven, trapped inside the burning building with me. Tears streamed down her face for two reasons. One, the smoke. Two, we were going to die. "BB?" Rae asked, using my nickname. "Yeah Rae?" I said, coughing because of the smoke. "I want to die in your arms." Rae said. She stood up and walked toward me. She leaned her head on my chest and hugged me. I hugged her back and we just sat in silence with nothing but the sound of the crackling flames. "If only our powers were strong enough." Rae said, trying one of her spells. "Hey BB?" Rae said again. "Yes?" I said. "You know how you saved my life a year ago?" Rae asked. "Yes..." I said, uncertain. "It's time for me to repay you." Rae said. She jumped off the building with me on her back in the form of a kitten (I was only able to be a kitten or a human at the time), digging my claws into her leotard. I heard bones crack. I was safe, but my sweet, beautiful Raven was dead.

Cliffhanger! I don't own Teen Titans.

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