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I keep my eyes trained on Min Yoongi as the boys push passed me, running down the stairs. As soon as they're gone, Yoongi smirks and leans against the wall, crossing his arms. The picture of ease despite the gun in his face.
"Great acting, Jinnie." He slow claps. "Very impressive." He cackles.
"Cut the shit, Yoongi-ah. Why did you take Namjoon out?" I fume. "We agreed-"
He huffs, rolling his eyes. "Fuck off it, Jin. You're disgusting. The obsession you have with him is sickening. He's our fucking little brother." He smirks. "You fuck him knowing that, while we let him be clueless. How do you think he'll feel when he learns the truth? Why we've kept him down in the basement all these years? Why our appa brought him here making him believe he was kidnapped?" He laughs.
I stiffen, my trigger finger trembling as I lower the gun. I lick my lips. "He deserves to know. No one knows I'm even part of this family. Or that Namjoon should be standing with us. I never understood why appa didn't want him to know." I swallow hard.
He raises a brow. "He didn't need another son for the business. He just wanted the profit after his slut of an ex wife died. She took him away from all this but appa refused to let it go. He wanted Namjoon out of spite and you know that. I did my best to keep him separated from the thirsty men craving for his ass but I had to do something." He pauses.
I swallow hard. "And don't call me disgusting! You fucked him too, I know you did. As soon as you noticed how attractive he was becoming as he grew up...don't fucking condescend me." I growl.
He smirks. "You're luck, Jin. I've let you take over handling all the financial end of the business while I've controlled the dirty work. You have nothing to complain about. You're just pissed I let someone else touch your little toy!"
My eyes narrow. "He's not a toy."
He scoffs. "Like you've treated him better than me. So you baby him a little when you fuck him, big deal." He shrugs, annoyed. "You can't stand there and look down on me. Your hands are just as bloody as mine. We were made for this, Jin. Namjoon wasn't. He never would have been able to handle dealing with human lives. Appa made sure we wouldn't have that problem." He explains. He's not wrong as much as it pisses me off to admit, even just in my mind.
I shake my head. "Tae really will kill you for this shit. Why did you take them back?"
"Because I could. Why not? You know I'll always agree when it profits me." He smirks. "It profits you as well. Remember that. Everything I do keeps you in those fancy suits you love so much and the life of luxury you live."
I scowl. "I handle all the money." I remind him.
He scoffs. "Oh, Jin. If I didn't do what I had to with those little slaves then you'd have no money to handle. We'd both be on the streets and we not know your ass would have never survived."
Just as I open my mouth to retort a snarky reply, the door bangs open down the hall. "Seems your death is coming. Enjoy hell, brother." I smirk as Taehyung's voice rings out loudly through the building.
Yoongi cursed under his breath. "Little fucker just couldn't keep his mouth shut, could he?" He growls.
I laugh. "Did you really expect anything more from Yixing? He's weak and never stood a chance against Kim Taehyung."
"Well..." Yoongi sighs loudly before pulling out his own gun. I raise an eyebrow as he points the gun at me. I grunt in amusement. "Better make this realist so your little lover boy doesn't suspect you're in on all this." He smiles a shit eating grin and I cuss as he pulls the trigger and shoots me in the leg.
I fall to the ground, clutching the wound. "You fucking motherfucker!" I growl, agony coursing through me.
He winks just as Taehyung and Jungkook arrive. Jungkook tackles Yoongi and takes the gun while Tae leans down to help me. Yoongi and Jungkook begin fighting and punching each other while I struggle to stand back up. Fuck, that hurts. Shit.
"Sit here. Let me help him." Tae mumbles and pushes Jungkook to the side before attacking Yoongi. I get secret pleasure from watching Yoongi get his ass beat. I can't believe that bitch shot me. On second thought...I can but damn. Stings like a bitch.
After Yoongi is rendered unconscious, Tae drags him to the bed and restrains him before helping me stand, locking Yoongi alone in the room. We waddle down the stairs to the cells and Jungkook beats on the door. "Jimin! Jimin, baby, let me in!" He yells and the door his pried open by a wide eyed Jimin.
He throws himself into Jungkook's arms and they kiss as Hoseok steps out to run into Tae's arms. I pull away and step inside the room to see Namjoon in the corner just staring at the ground.
I hate myself. Truly. Yoongi was right about me. I am disgusting. I'm not actually blood related to Namjoon like Yoongi but still. I'm his older step brother and should have been protecting him.
In my own fucked up way I thought I was by making him only mine was still wrong. I was young when my mother married their father and right away I hated him. I could tell from the first look he was evil.
He proved as much by beating Yoongi right in front of me before threatening to rape me in front of my mother. She was too scared to go against him and protect me so I learned to obey him and was forced to join the 'family business'.
Yoongi and I were learning the trade when we learned about Namjoon. He had been taken away by his mother as a baby. She had run from her husband because she knew he'd hurt him. Namjoon escaped his fate for a little over a decade before he was brought back, only not as a Min.
His father refused to associate Namjoon as his son and even sexually abused him to prove the point of that disassociation.
I had never even seen the poor kid until that day. The first time I ever stepped foot around the cells. I always let Yoongi handle the slaves because I knew I wouldn't be able to. I saw him then. I hadn't known at first who he was but when I learned later, it only made me want him more. To protect him more.
Yoongi could tell and used my possessiveness over the boy against me. I hated leaving him down in those cold dirty cells but just couldn't take him out with me. I had too much to lose. I didn't want anyone to find out I was related to such a family...or want Namjoon to find out the truth about me.
Yoongi threatened to tell him the truth several times but deep down I knew he wouldn't really. He enjoyed the power over me way too much to relinquish it.
I stumble forward and the sound makes him look up at me. He bites his lip, looking lost. "Hi." I whisper.
He swallows. "Hi." He noticed my bloody leg and flinches, standing immediately. "Oh god, you're hurt." He panics but I grab his hand, calming him.
       "I'm fine. Let's get you out of here." I say softly. I need to do this for him. He deserves to know the truth. It's not fair to continue lying to him. I caress the side of his face. "Let's get you to my house and clean up." I pause, taking a deep breath, before meeting his concerned and frightened gaze. "Namjoon-ah...we need to talk."

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