Alex: Good I think

Alex: I mean he's been spending lots of his time with this girl.

Alex: Something like Theo?

John: damn

John: the guy is new and he's already getting them grillies

Alex: Girls*

John: ik

John: i did that as a joke

Alex: Oh

Alex: Whoops

Alex: I feel a lil embarrassed rn

John: don't be it's fine

Alex: Hey do you wanna play like a 21 question game

John: ?

Alex: It's a game where we can get to know each other better. Example, I'll ask the first question, then you answer, then I answer. Then you'll ask the second question, I'll answer first, then you answer. Got it?

John: i think

Alex: Ok. I'll ask first.

Alex: 1, dogs or cats?

John: dogs

Alex: Me too.

Alex: Now you ask a question and I'll answer first.

John: 2 Would you rather live in a huge mansion, but you can never leave it, or have no home or anywhere to stay, but be able to travel wherever you want?

Alex: Obviously, have no home but be able to travel.

John: Me too. I don't even like big houses anyways.

Alex: 3, Do you like flowers?

John: that's random

Alex: Just answer

John: uhm, no. not really

Alex: I do. I find them pretty. I like how they come in different styles and colours. My favourite are daisies. Ik they're simple and stuff but that's why I like them.

John: hm..

John: ok, 4 what's your zodiac sign?

Alex: Capricorn

John: scorpio

Alex: 5, birthdate?

John: october 28

Alex: January 11

John: why didn't you tell me it was your birthday last month?!

Alex: Idk. I don't like birthdays

John: well next year we're gonna have cake and everything

Alex: Pfftt

John: 6 what kind of job do you want?

Alex: Idk.. lawyer?

John: boo boring

Alex: Tsk

John: i want to be a photographer

Alex: Why is that?

John: i just always loved photography

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