“He's faking, he has to be,” Afghanistan said.

Diego narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists.

And well….. That was before he ran across the table and tackled Afghanistan down to the ground.

He grabbed his shirt so the other nation was looking him in the eyes. “You think my brother is faking!?! He has tried to kill himself twice!! He thinks he's alone in this world!!”

Diego’s family wasn't even trying to stop him.

Maria looked down, “He doesn't even trust us. He's….. afraid of us touching him too.”

The room was quiet.

North and South America looked stressed out.

So this is what they were hiding.

Germany cleared his throat, “Is there anyway we can help?”

“Yeah, by staying the Hell away from Al,” Chile responded.

“When his condition gets better, there's a chance some of you. Who aren't the cause of what Al’s going through, can see him. But the rest of you, Hell no,” Ecuador said.

England spoke up, “He's our son, France and I have a right to see him.”

“Are you serious!!” Canada shook his head, “You two are some of the main ones!! You even disowned him!! And now, after all the insults, you finally care. George Washington has more of a right to see him than you two!! You're definitely not seeing him.”

England and France both looked surprised at this.

“Mathieu,” France said calmly, “We do deserve to see your brother. We raised him after all.”

“Yeah, you did,” Canada spat, “You used to be his parents. But after all that you did to him. I wouldn't be surprised if he hated you and didn't see you as fathers anymore.”

That hit them like a ton of bricks. The two countries were now quiet and thinking about what had just been said to them.

Prussia raised his hand.

“Yes, Prussia?” Argentina asked.

“America's strong, how could little words just do this to him?”

Argentina sighed, “Words have more power than we give them credit for.”

Ecuador spoke, “We said all that's needed to be said, now leave.”

Countries stood up to go and started walking to the door.

Brazil felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned to see his father. “If you need me Braz, and if there's anything I can do, I'm here,” Portugal said, “I mean it.”

Brazil smiled and nodded. Portugal gave his son a soft smile and ruffled his hair before walking off.

South Korea walked over to Canada, “Tell Al, I hope he feels better.”

Canada smiled and nodded.

Japan walked out with his head held low, he remembered some of the things he had told America and remembered how he would just stand by as countries insulted America.

He was partly responsible for this. He walked over to the closet North/South American Nation, which happened to be Guyana.

He bowed, “I'm so sorry for my part in what has happened to America.”

Guyana nodded, “Thank you.”

A few of England and France’s ex colonies said somethings to their brother, Canada, before leaving.

As England walked out, he seemed lifeless.

The reality of what was going on was setting in.

He had broke his son…… His other son had banned him from seeing Alfred.

He would never forget the look of fear in his eyes.

What had he done?

France also seemed a bit depressed. Maria was right, he was a bully.

He had bullied his own son.

“Ve~ Germany are we bullies?” Italy asked.

“I…… I think we are.” Germany responded, he seemed in shock with America's condition.

“I don't want to be a bully,” Italy said.

“Neither do I Italy, neither do I.”

It was decided that the countries who wanted to stay over would stay in a hotel. However, North and South America still wouldn't let anyone see America until he started showing progress.


Diego peeked inside Alfred’s room. He saw his brother sleeping peacefully.

“You should be in bed now D, it's midnight,” A voice behind him said.

He turned to see Canada, “I just wanted to check up on Al. I scared him earlier,” He looked down.

Canada put a hand on his brother's shoulder, “You wanted revenge, we all do. But that's not gonna make our situation any better. Sometimes, revenge isn't the answer.”

Diego nodded, “It's just…. I can't stand seeing him like this.”

“Neither can I. But I promise you we'll get him through this.”

The two suddenly saw something crawl into America's room. They looked closely and saw it was Kumaijaro.

“Kuma?” Canada asked.

The bear climbed up onto the bed and laid next to America. He licked Alfred’s cheek and nuzzled his nose into America's neck.

Alfred smiled in his sleep and hugged Kumaijaro like a teddy bear.

Canada and Diego both smiled.

“You should both get sleep,” The bear said, “I'll watch over your brother.”

They both nodded and Diego walked off. Before Canada could too, Kuma called him back.

“Kanata,” The bear said.


“You all are worried about Maska but please remember this. It's important to take care of yourselves too.”

Canada nodded, “I know.”

“Especially you.”

Canada sighed and held back tears, “He's my twin, I should have done something more before it got to this point.”

“You can't blame yourself for this. You didn't cause this.”

Canada shook his head, “I'm supposed to protect him, I'm his older brother.”

Kuma nodded, “You are, you stand up for Maska many times, and your doing your job right now by taking care of him and protecting him from others. But remember to take care of yourself too, you haven't been doing that lately. Good night.”

Canada nodded, “Good night.” He walked to his room with only one thing one in his mind.

He had failed to protect America from the harsh words.

He had failed to stop the bullying from getting to this point.

He had failed as a big brother.

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