The decker family

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I was sitting in our limo on the drive to my old home , I was cradling Bendy as he purred. Devil was on his phone tweeting about something , I felt the limo stop and I looked out the window and my eyes laid on my old house in the first time in 17 years , I frowned and whine before getting pulled out of the limo by Dev. I curled up to the devil as we walked to the door , devil wrapped his arm around me "baby...protect me okay?" He nodded as he knocked on the door , we waited for about 3 seconds and it slowly opened , my eyes landed on my father , the one who beat me, the one who raped me...the one who abused me in every way shape or form...I held Bendy close "come in." His voice had hatred in it , he looked at me when he said it , as if the devil wasn't welcome , I walk in and feel the devil let go of my waist , I whimpered to him , showing him I wanted to be held , he smiled and cuddled me too him again , I saw my whole mother was sitting on the couch with a black eye and a soft smile , I stared at her as she got up , her hands were shaken and her body looked ill , she ran to me and collapsed on my chest , I've never felt or seen her act in such a way , I felt wetness spread on my sweater and I looked down to see my mother crying on me , I hugged her slowly "I-i thought I-I'd n-never get to a-see you a-again!" I push her away with a soft push "mother. Please control yourself." I saw her face completely change , into a calm yet mad expression...she was faking...I felt the devil hold me closer I nuzzled against his chest and held little Bendy "so your ass just leaves for 17 years and you just come back and say to mom, control yourself?!" I was grabbed by my brother , he growled at me "w-what?! I-i left because I was scared of y'all!" I broke down in tears the devil wrapped me in his arms and Bendy growled as I whimpered Info devils chest "don't grab my honey bun again." I kiss him harshly and purr against him "he left because he was scared of y'all. And what y'all would do. Now if we could get pass this and sit down and maybe talk a bit . We could feel better about this situation" I was picked up bridal style and held adorably by my lover. I was rocking Bendy as he cuddled to my chest "So....snake eyes-" my eyes widened with pain and I looked at my father "were did you go?" Devil looked at him "why do you call dice snake eyes?" I whimpered "well his middle name is dice, he's full name is Snake eyes Dice Decker , we call him that due to my wife...saying we should" my sister chuckled "his name is snake eyes because daddy got snake eyes in a casino when mom had birth with him." I instantly start hearing my little baby Bendy starting to cry , I rock him back and forth but he still was starting to cry even louder "Do you have Bendys milk?" Devil teleports , I suppose that he doesn't have the baby bag , my dad pins me against the couch and I whine , Bendy cries louder "let go of me!" "HOW DARE YOU DISAPPEAR FOR 17 YEARS AND NOT COME BACK." My mother stood up with a shaking body "l-leave him alone!" My mother was an alcoholic...she must've father slaps her "SHUT UP WHORE." He pins me harder against the couch and spreads my legs "I might need to 'explore' you again to keep you in line." Tears appear in my eyes and i punch him in the nose I hold Bendy close as he cries "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU SON OF A BITCH!" My brothers and sister stare at me with shock , I see devil teleport back with our baby bag , "hey babe." I grab it and grab his bottle , I give it to Bendy and he starts to calm down "there we are.." I was kissed on the cheek by devil , "let's go babe....I don't want to see my family ever again." My mother was holding her cheek and shaking , I walked over and picked her up "cmon ma...we can get you some nice new clothes and a nice place to sleep" she was shaking , it looked like she's been so abused that she can barley stand , she looked at my father and held onto me "let's go mom" she smiled weakly at me and we walked out I saw my dad try to grab her but dev growled at him , scaring him off. I smiled at my mom . She smiled at me "how's your life been my little dice" I still felt a little betrayed by my mom due to me not being there for me but she looked like she was taking the beatings for me "I'm sorry Dice..." tears reappeared in his eyes "sorry for what?" She looked into my eyes , her eyes were blurred with tears "for not being there for you...for all those years..." that made my heart soften a little "thank you..." we climb into the limo and I smile "let's go home devil~"

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